Month: July 2024

An ideal accelerating field knows its materials and their properties down to femtoMeters and femtoSecond if need be

ElectoBoom: Making a Water Railgun at 1 cubic centimeter of water is 1 gram = 1E-3 Kg. Add 1 Watt Second = 1 Joule of energy. (1/2) * m * v^2 = Joules Velocity_meterspersecond^2 = 2*Joules/Kilograms Velocity_MetersPerSecond = sqrt(2*Joules/Kilograms) sqrt(2*(1 Joule)/1E-3 kilogram) = sqrt(2000 Joules/kg) = 44.7213595 (m/s) = 100.0388320956 Miles per Hour Note:
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What do State Representatives get paid to do? Does anyone hold them globally accountable?

Tomorrow We Vote:  What Do State Representatives Actually Do? – TWV University (Lesson 2) at It would be a lot of work, but I think it would be a good exercise in government to ask “What do the State Representatives of all States in the United States do? What are they paid to do?
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Trash in the oceans is a global issues and all involved can be traced

This is a global issue and can be a global collaboration. ( “derelict trap removal” ) has only 1580 entries. (“trap removal” “marine”) has 13,100 entries. (“fishing gear” OR “fishing nets”) (“abandoned” OR “derelict” OR “lost” OR “discarded” OR “dumped”) has 5.26 Million entries and it is growing. There are hundreds of human languages on
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Broader view of nuclear energy applications by energy density

S3: The future of Nuclear = Small, Mobile, Microreactors, Radiant at This reminds me of Elon Musk – low tech (graphite, heat, coolants, everyday materials) rather than fields and high energy density. At least the people are able to do those things now. Remote chemical processes can be economic with mostly heat, not electricity.
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