Category: Richard Collins Life and Purpose

Talking to GPT about nuclear structure, my life and work, Internet Foundation, global conflicts

Part of  Richard Collins chat with chatGPT – atomic nuclear  forces, gravitation, Internet Foundation, life work, hopes possibilities, War. 9 Oct 2024 The chat was so large it exceeded the memory of WordPress and of ChatGPT I am just trying to save fragments You said: Now if we were writing computer programs or writing mathematical
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I am going to take a break from X. It is an endless cycle of things other people are talking about. I am going to take a break from X. It is an endless cycle of things other people are talking about. I am going to take a break from X. It is an endless cycle of things other people are talking about. Adding comments, suggestions, ideas, insights just adds to the chatter. All my
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Red Singlet Oxygen reaction video comment – My life story about gravitational energy density, fusion, magnetic dipole strong and weak forces

Comment on Action Lab at My Comment: Thank you for sharing. I have never seen a video of that chemical reaction before with the intense red. For an earth to orbit lift scenario, (SpaceX) I designed a system with many 2 GigaWatt storage units, each that has to produce for about 5 minutes (300
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Why doesn’t the United States need to train lots of mathematicians? Why don’t Americans memorize a lot of mathematics in school?

Why do Asian kids outperform Western kids in math? | by Malcolm Gladwell at   Why don’t Americans memorize a lot of mathematics in school? by Richard Collins Mostly kids in the United States are not expected to do anything. About one in a thousand who do put in effort is enough to solve
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Born, raised, live in Texas. Growth is not enough. It needs caring and sharing, and much greater engagement with the world and its future.

Map Pack: Why Texas is Becoming THE Most Powerful State at Born, raised, live in Texas. On my Mom’s side from about 1860 and on my Dad’s side about 1920. My Dad and his brother grew up in the oil fields. My Maternal grandmother wrote a small book, “Living in the oil fields”. Many
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We were optimistic about the future, we could do most anything, is why we had large families

What Actually Caused the Baby Boom?… It Wasn’t (really) WWII at I came from a large family and was born a few years after WW II.  I would say that movies, advertising to “have the good life”, consumption, television had a lot to do with it. “Cheaper by the dozen” and washing machines, microwaves
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Pauli Principle and magnetic bonding – 60 years of Schrodinger, fusion, atomic, nuclear and global things

What causes the Pauli Exclusion Principle? at Particles of any size with permanent magnetic moments can bind magnetically. The magnetic potential is proportional to the product of the magnetic moments (in Joules/Tesla) divided by the inverse cube of their separation. But simply, it is two magnets binding. Two electrons can bind magnetically where it
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Using the Internet to represent and compress reality without loss

Ben, I read your description and it is clear.  I want the flexibility for myself.  If the environment and tool it rigid, I know that I won’t be able to build the things I want.  That includes (G) gathering and organizing things, (E) exploration and mapping new kinds of things (C) comparison and classification (S)
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