Category: Extended atomic and nuclear materials

A “standard” not shared completely on the Internet is not a workable tool for global collaboration

Freya Blekman @freyablekman #CMSPaper 1338 describes a precision measurement of the production rate of the quantum carriers of the weak force, the Z and W bosons. These measurements allow comparison and improvement of detailed understanding of the strong force in the standard model Replying to @freyablekman A “standard” not shared completely on the
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Wu’s parity violation is likely magnetic for strong (MeV) and weak (KeV) isotope reactions

Zhigang Suo @zhigangsuo  The Nobel Laureate T.D. Lee died recently. @yangyang_cheng wrote about Lee’s role in lifting science in China, and in bridging China and America. These magical years of 1980s! Replying to @zhigangsuo and @yangyang_cheng Thanks for sharing! There have been many excellent and outstanding researchers from China working in China and around
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KeV and MeV bond reactions with practical applications – atomic fuels, and extended nuclear materials

Ideal Weapon: Can Hafnium Bombs Replace Nuclear Bombs? at Suggest you use NuDat3 at BNL to see all the isotopes that can be used. You also need all the magnetic moments, which I think they will be adding. Most of the radioactive isotopes can be used for their reactions. Not just stable ones if
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Modular GigaWatt units only have to store and deliver for a few minutes

Military Affairs: US Tests Its Monstrously Powerful Laser Carrier To Beat Hypersonic Missiles at For SpaceX type earth to orbit and orbit to earth field generators, many modular 2 GigaWatt units only have to store and deliver for a few minutes, so they can be small and if some fail, sufficient backup is available.
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Electrospray and laser assisted “fabrics” and “strings” can be made – up to atomic and nuclear bond energies

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative @ChanZuckerberg Imaging researcher @edithsandstroem + team captured this image in under 12 minutes—the same image generated with the current standard of mass spectrometers would take more than 3 days! Replying to @ChanZuckerberg and @edithsandstroem The electrospray Taylor cone approach for surface tension (surface energy) might well be applied to carbon, boron,
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