Category: Collaborative Global Model of the Sun

Collaborative Global Model of the Sun Richard Collins: I am looking at 3D computer models of the sun, particularly its atmosphere. What can you tell me about “dimension independent notation”. OpenAI ChatGPT Plus: “Dimension-independent notation” refers to a framework or mathematical representation that transcends specific dimensional constraints. In the context of 3D computer models of the sun, including its atmosphere,
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Beyond dissipative structures and lossy methods to integrative and lossless ones Beyond dissipative structures and lossy methods to integrative and lossless ones One new way of looking at things helps, but the emerging methods on the Internet are mostly independent efforts. And, those are uncoordinated except by a continuous barrage of “information” shouted, whispered and diffusing through many channels. We need more than a click
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Ultimately you have to change the shape and size of the pixel and voxel sensors.

Ultimately you have to change the shape and size of the pixel and voxel sensors. Even make them movable. Jaggies happen during capture and display, too rigid and exact grids are often counter productive. Event driven cameras seem to show sparse sensor arrays sometimes are much better. Just because cameras are cheap does not mean
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Could you explain what is going on in AutoStakkert when it is finding 10% of 5000 frames? Could you explain what is going on in AutoStakkert when it is finding 10% of 5000 frames? I have a vague idea, but you are using it. What does it emphasize and what do you think is happening there? I do not have a telescope. I use data from the Internet. So I never
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Global open resources, heliospheric (sensor, objects) ( times, coordinates, users, uses, best methods)

Faithful Records, global open resources, Global open resources, heliospheric (sensor, objects) ( times, coordinates, users, uses, best methods) Richard Collins: I am looking at some amateur solar images. This one says “approximately north is up, east to the left.” I do not understand what “east” means when looking at the sun. OpenAI ChatGPT: When looking
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Solar Model from ChatGPT after laborious instructions to make programmer fiendly E notation data format for the sun

Solar Model from ChatGPT after laborious instructions to make programmer fiendly E notation data format for the sun And it could not give me copy and paste with tabs # Constants in E notation h = 6.62607015E-34 # Planck’s constant (J·s) c = 2.99792458E8 # Speed of light (m/s) k_B = 1.380649E-23 # Boltzmann constant
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cross compare images at different sites to provide higher accuracy

@NatSolarObs and @AURADC and @NSF   At it says   “There is no attempt to cross-compare images at different sites to provide higher accuracy at this time.”   Is that still true? What is the full potential now if all countries and groups combine across all frequencies? Sharing lossless data, and global best practices
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Why is H-alpha so popular? Are there low cost ways to look at fine detail of events and processes on the sun? Why is H-alpha so popular? Are there low cost ways to look at fine detail of events and processes on the sun? Multiple frequencies? Energies, densities, temperatures, velocities, concentrations, entropy measures, etc? I am finding more and more groups sharing data about the sun on the Internet, and some of it is accessible in
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Tools and methods for visualizing real time flows of previously “invisible” fields are expanding but not maturing

RS4GeoHZ @GfzRemote Thrilled to announce the release of #SARVey, an open-source #software for the #InSAR time-series analysis using both #Persistent & #Distributed scatterers in #Python. Tools and methods for visualizing real time flows of previously “invisible” fields are expanding but not maturing  There are about 5.4 Billion humans using the Internet now. Where on
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