Category: Visualizations Simulations

Comment on 3blue1brown video on Otto Toeplitz conjecture, “inscribed square problem” This open problem taught me what topology is – Otto Toeplitz conjecture, “inscribed square problem” If you color the edges and regions of your blue shapes with red, it would be easier than pointing to an all blue (transparent) shape and saying “look at this part here”. My hunch is you are asking the
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Reaction simulators and visualizations for arbitrary shapes and flows

Reaction-diffusion pattern from an aqueous Belousov-Zhabotinsky — Replying to @PhysRevLett Reaction simulators and visualizations for arbitrary shapes and flows Is this just a pretty picture or did they put a live tool online to let the 5.4 Billion humans using the Internet play with the reaction simulations and visualizations for arbitrary shapes and flows? I
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Hyper-realistic experiences combine all senses to evoke and record feelings and responses

Hyper-realistic experiences combine all senses to evoke and record feelings and responses Hyper-realistic is not just high resolution intricate images. Right now there is a preponderance of photos of young women. That might be part of it.   Perhaps you can learn what “hyper realistic” means and generalize to understand the physiological responses of humans
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Effectively eternal species colonizing galaxies My Comment: Effectively eternal species colonizing galaxies Once an evolved species can make AIs to store knowledge and act, those entities are effectively eternal and can “live” long enough to colonize galactic and larger regions. So, most galaxies might each have their own civilizations held together by systems, but populated by natural species as
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All mathematics on the Internet, its related data and algorithms, should be in “AI and human usable” form

All mathematics on the Internet, its related data and algorithms, should be in “AI and human usable” form Weijie Su @weijie444 , Han Zhao @hanzhao_ml : Much is being done. But, like you, people say something and do not work together hard and long enough to make it work for all 5.4 Billion humans using
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Find higher frequencies and flows for industrial applications of your methods from My Comments: Find higher frequencies and flows for industrial applications of your methods When I was at UT Austin and Ilya Prigogine and others were chipping away at chemical clocks, chemical oscillators, talking constantly about “systems far from equilibrium” (his Nobel Prize), it was always dissipative open systems fed by outside energy.
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“Plant the deserts?”, see what would happen, in detail

Peter D Carter @PCarterClimate  IPCC AR6 MITIGATION: 1.5C TOO LATE 2C IMMEDIATE DECLINE AR6 projections confirms 1.5C too late & 2°C requires immediate global emissions decline. 2°C planet catastrophe. For your Kid’s sake End Fossil Fuel Subsidies #CO2 #climatechange #globalwarming Replying to @PCarterClimate I am fairly certain that if all the deserts are
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Solar observing, Newtons Rings – artifacts of narrow band filtering, use it for good not evil

Drexel Glasgow posted images 14 Aug 2024 on Facebook with title “With the Altair GPCAM 130M. Plenty newton rings” Kirtsunegari posted in StarGazersLounge some animated gifs showing what you likely see when you look at live data, and what the software has to guess at when trying to separate the “really on the sun” things
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Self sustaining reactions, solitons and Nobel prizes, wave fronts, atomic and nuclear space ships

Steve Mould: Bizarre traveling flame discovery at About 1974/1975 I wss at the University of Texas at Austin. Ilya Prigogine was there with his group and they were studying chemical clocks, and chemical oscillators. Now Prigogine got his Nobel prize in 1977 for a range of things with names like “dissipative structures”, “systems far
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