Category: Atomic Fuels

Magnetic strong force

Can you tell me details of how the coefficients in the Geiger-Nuttall relation are measured or calculated? It is applied to alpha decay and to cluster decays. It is connected to terms like “decay constant”, “Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin”. “fission”, “alpha decay” George Gamow was supposed to have made a model of some sort that sort of explains
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What can you do to make this more understandable?

What can you do to make this more understandable? Without throwing any information away? What will it look like in the next millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, century, million years, billion years?   Lots of training data at   What is the minimal representation? That is faithful to the data for
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Gravitational effects are small, literally. But much more powerful that electromagnetism.

Gravitational effects are small, literally. But much more powerful that electromagnetism. Gravitational effects are small, literally. But much more powerful that electromagnetism. So if you want to make bosons (pairs of gravitons) those bonds are stronger. Pretty much you only get something when matter and energy forms change.   It seems you want to make
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Fusion: AI can transcend its current limitations to be an equal partner in advancing human knowledge Richard Collins: Haowei Zhang is a “numerical modeler”. He could work on many problems with plasma, but accepted a EUROfusion Bernard Bigot Researcher Grant mostly because today the raw data and tools from fusion projects are not openly and losslessly shared with the world on the Internet. An objective “relatively new outsider” might well
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Global open Internet Policies for a sustainable heliospheric economy My Comments: Global open Internet Policies for a sustainable heliospheric economy Based on the size they cannot carry enough fuel, let alone oxygen to get to orbit. If you used atomic fuels and use air for reaction mass, that is something else that should work. if you do not generate ions in the process.
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Approaching the speed of light with massive vehicles, by coordinated local changes in vacuum properties

We went through the equations together and laid out how vacuum properties can be modified to make practical devices. Then discussed some implications and pathways. Approaching the speed of light with massive vehicles, by coordinated local changes in vacuum properties Richard Collins said:  So approaching the speed of light with massive vehicles would entail pushing
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League of Women Voters, change “nuclear waste” to “global open resources”

@LWV In 1993 the League of Women Voters published a book “Nuclear Waste Primer – A Handbook for Citizens”. Now many women are deeply engaged in scientific, technology, engineering, mathematics, computing, finance, government, running organizations, and global topics and systemic issues. I grew up with WWII just a few years in the past, through cold
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“Beyond femtometer” precision thinking, for systems and society.

“Beyond femtometer” precision thinking, for systems and society. @StephaneRedon I know you invested time and money into “1 Angstrom” but please start thinking and tracking “picoMeter” and “femtoMeter”. Both will expand considerably in the next year or two. I encouraged the semiconductor groups to work seriously on picometer, because the rate of change in all
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Assemble macroscopic materials with bond energies averaging 10 KeV not 10 eV. Assemble kilograms or metric tons of materials with bond energies averaging 10 KeV not 10 eV. There are many such stable materials with active containment. Asking for new fuels and materials to act like old ones is limiting the search for useful things. It just has to be reliable, practical, and useful. It does
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There are ways to warp the vacuum if you create sufficient knowledge and energy density at global scale My Comment: There are ways to warp the vacuum if you create sufficient knowledge and energy density at global scale In the vacuum, there is vacuum and now the lasers and other technologies are reaching energy densities where one can create mass and create gravitational waves from the vacuum. But easier is to use
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