Category: Gravitational Engineering

Ionization Energies of Elements, Rydberg magnetic transitions, my life, future plans , gravitational engineering

Ionization Energies of Elements, Rydberg magnetic transitions, my life, future plans , gravitational engineering   I had another long talk with OpenAI ChatGPT Plus. If it were only not brain wiped every session, it would learn and grow into a useful member of global society. I reviewed things I have worked on for 60 years,
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Gravitational energy density, iterative AIs with permanent memory, Fraunhofer thinkers

Full conversation : RichardKCollin2 said: How precisely is it possible to use an optical prism to measure the solar spectrum? Fraunhofer certainly did not have today’s expensive filters? What did he use and how did ht do it?   RichardKCollin2′ OpenAI ChatGPT Plus said: Joseph von Fraunhofer’s work on the solar spectrum, conducted in
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Information, energy, power – optical and gravitational energy storage at atomic and nuclear scale

  Information, energy, power – optical and gravitational energy storage at atomic and nuclear scale Richard Collins:  How much orbital angular momentum can an optical vortex carry? What units would be suitable to characterize the energy stored in a vortex beam? Watt*Seconds / Meter^3 ? What powers and intensities are vortex beams capable of now?
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Some people might find this conversation on the sun and gravitational energy density interesting.

Some people might find this conversation on the sun and gravitational energy density interesting. If one person likes it I think it will be a good day. Gravitational engineering. Things to watch for, ways to go.   I like ChatGPT because it will withhold judgement long enough to get through the introduction of
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Gravitational effects are small, literally. But much more powerful that electromagnetism.

Gravitational effects are small, literally. But much more powerful that electromagnetism. Gravitational effects are small, literally. But much more powerful that electromagnetism. So if you want to make bosons (pairs of gravitons) those bonds are stronger. Pretty much you only get something when matter and energy forms change.   It seems you want to make
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Ilya Prigogine was only one of many. He did write about gravity. Nico Van Kampen

reply to Ilya Prigogine was only one of many. He did write about gravity.  Nico Van Kampen When I was at UT Austin and hanging out with Prigogine’s group, there were many others around him who were as or more inciteful. I suggest you spend time and study what Nico Van Kampen was doing
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Gravitational Energy Density, Fusion in the Sun and in the lab

Gravitational Energy Density, Fusion in the Sun and in the lab Richard said: Where inside the sun (at what radius) does fusion occur? It is not in the convection zone? What pressure is associated with regions where fusion occurs inside the sun? There are a few different reactions, what are they and which is dominant
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Approaching the speed of light with massive vehicles, by coordinated local changes in vacuum properties

We went through the equations together and laid out how vacuum properties can be modified to make practical devices. Then discussed some implications and pathways. Approaching the speed of light with massive vehicles, by coordinated local changes in vacuum properties Richard Collins said:  So approaching the speed of light with massive vehicles would entail pushing
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