Category: Electromagnetic Gravitational Field

It is likely “magnetic fields all the way down” – KiloTesla, MegaTesla, GigaTesla and beyond

Launch Pad Astronomy: Neutron Stars, Pulsars and Magnetars at For the Internet Foundation, I had to add KiloTesla and MegaTesla to “commonly used units”. Yours is an early example of GigaTeslas, so there will be more. Gravitational energy density, magnetic energy density and many other kinds of energy density can all be interconverted now.
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Your quantum noise might be more valuable than your calculations

Dulwich Quantum Computing @DulwichQuantum Projections by @TobiasOsborne for the number of noisy qubits on different platforms. @PsiQuantum, does this check out? Replying to @DulwichQuantum @tobiasosborne and @PsiQuantum Please, all groups using noisy qubits: record your noise as precisely as possible. It ultimately links to gravitational and vacuum noise. Plus human and geophysical data.
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Noise experiments, Global collaborations and sharing, lower the cost of deep education for all

Deepak Marwal: galvanometer mirror & johanson noise in electric devices | Examples of brownian motion | thermal phy at At 0:10 it is “sedimentation” and “gradient with height” and at 0:16 it is “Johnson noise in electric devices”.  Even if you have no equipment, you can simulate it and get help from your friends to
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Most things now can be precisely modeled and scheduled, and sold as services

Physical Review Letters @PhysRevLett Stress propagation in active solids induces spontaneous actuation of floppy modes without exciting vibrational modes Letter: Focus: Replying to @PhysRevLett Frequencies and directions and timings can be precisely modeled. Whether in solids, liquids, gases or plasmas. I am not sure why you treat it as something unusual. You
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Nancy Grace Roman Galactic Plane Survey – Gravitation signals from many alien civilizations

Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope,  If I were going to look at the Galactic Plane now, I would look for evidence of civilizations of two types.  The human species is going to produce intelligent machines. Their size and shapes and abilities are open. But in terms of human knowledge one very likely outcome is that human
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$Million-wise and $100 Trillion foolish – precise field technologies

Ariane Briegel, @BriegelAriane Finally- a book on cryo-electron tomography, written by leading experts! Edited by the one and only @FriedrichForst1 and myself! Replying to @BriegelAriane and @FriedrichForst1 Ariane, I am sure you did good work, but I have a few comments about your method of sharing. I hate to see good things locked up
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Humans can colonize Milky Way Galaxy through intelligent devices, and search for gravity signals

Humans can colonize Milky Way Galaxy with intelligent devices, and search for gravity signals. — Galactic civilizations using intelligent devices can live billions of years. So the most likely “species” for human devices to meet would be intelligent devices. Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope might look for intelligent messages in the galactic plane. And space
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Why did I work on certain problems all my life? The Chemical Bond Approach, Passion Without Guidance

Passion Without Guidance. My first year of high school was 1963/64 at Eau Gallie High School just across the bay from Cape Canaveral where my Dad was working. Kennedy gave his moon speech at Rice University on 12 Sep 1962. Within a few months, my Dad left his old job in Texas and moved our
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Mapping Interiors of Black Holes with Many Sensors

Physical Review Letters @PhysRevLett Microscopic Origin of the Entropy of Astrophysical Black Holes: A theoretical proposal presents a framework for microscopic explanation of the entropy of astrophysical black holes Replying to @PhysRevLett How many astrophysicists does it take to create a 3D volumetric model of the interior of a black hole region? 13.
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Sub nanosecond flash 3D video sampling allows gravitational imaging, “imaging accelerometry”

I am interested in your “double exposure”. 200 ns would be 5 Mfps. Can you say which specific cameras from Imperix or elsewhere can support that? I am also interested in LWIR “thermal” camera for passive radiometry. Do you have anyone interested in camera interface standards? There are many cameras, and the cost of storing
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