Category: Collaborative Model and Data

Share exact data streams online with 5.4 Billion humans using the Internet, permanent open resources

” awarded three nights of observing time” at Steward Observatory  –  Replying to @StewardAstro Share exact data streams online with 5.4 Billion humans using the Internet, permanent open resources Did you record the data in lossless form, archived and accessible online, to share the exact data stream online with 5.4 Billion humans using the Internet? 
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Hold systems and their makers and operators accountable, require AIs to be independently certified for jobs

Katie (Kathryn) Conrad @KatieConradKS  I think you’re approaching this from a different angle than your average SV guy trying to sell us on the idea that generative systems are the same in some fundamental way as human intelligences. I take your approach as holding systems accountable.  Replying to @KatieConradKS Hold systems and their makers and
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Comments on your biomechanics website

Comments on your biomechanics website @ProfRausch On your page at there are three rotating icons. One for diffusion tensor MRI, one for Finite Element Model and the one I was interested in on the right, no link or text. Perhaps you could spend more time at your page linking to open sites. Recommend
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The state of “chemistry” on the Internet is atrocious compared to what is possible.

The state of “chemistry” on the Internet is atrocious compared to what is possible. The ACS 3D model at seems to be broken today. If ACS posts it, ACS corporate is responsible. @AmerChemSociety   You have a lot of things on your website. ( shows 21.7 Million entries on GoogleSearch. Having reviewed most
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Global sharing has more impact than uranium, bombs or reactors My Comment: Global sharing has more impact than uranium, bombs or reactors Changing global “education” to “global learning and sharing” on the Internet for all humans has more impact on human species survival than any amount of bombs or fuels. There are laser, beam and field methods now that can do it to 100%.
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Global and heliospheric scale systems need skilled “gravitational engineers” My Comment: Global and heliospheric scale systems need skilled “gravitational engineers” – Practical control of gravity can use any fields or means that work I wrote a Gravity Research Foundation essay on gravitational energy density about 1981. Gravitational field energy density and its fluctuations would set the bounds on nuclear reactions, particularly fusion reactor systems,
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Climate change is large, but not impossible to model in real time globally, now. My Comment: Climate change is large, but not impossible to model in real time globally, now. There is quite a bit of tree planting going on. The way to do this is to share your models in open formats, its input data in lossless formats, the assumptions and scenarios in open formats. That is done
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