Category: Material and Process Model Calibration

Reaction simulators and visualizations for arbitrary shapes and flows

Reaction-diffusion pattern from an aqueous Belousov-Zhabotinsky — Replying to @PhysRevLett Reaction simulators and visualizations for arbitrary shapes and flows Is this just a pretty picture or did they put a live tool online to let the 5.4 Billion humans using the Internet play with the reaction simulations and visualizations for arbitrary shapes and flows? I
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It is possible to store sequence, shape and network data at atomic scale, using inorganics and atoms

Patrick Boyle @p_maverick_b  One must consider that if DNA data storage takes off we will someday store sequencing data as DNA My Comment: It is possible to store sequence, shape and network data at atomic scale, using inorganics and atoms – which are smaller. I appreciate your humor. But using naturally evolved rather large blobs
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Find higher frequencies and flows for industrial applications of your methods from My Comments: Find higher frequencies and flows for industrial applications of your methods When I was at UT Austin and Ilya Prigogine and others were chipping away at chemical clocks, chemical oscillators, talking constantly about “systems far from equilibrium” (his Nobel Prize), it was always dissipative open systems fed by outside energy.
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YouTube – Turning Dirt into Silicon and other things – Mars and Moon

Amateur Chemistry: Turning Dirt into Silicon at I really liked this because of the cleaning steps. I would not have done it those ways, but happy to watch your methods and hear your comments. I would likely have looked online to buy clean sand already powdered, and avoid time, acid, water and mess. The
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Now, one can optimize global $1E12 industries more easily than selling 1E12 things for $1

Art Berman @aeberman12 Thriving luxury car manufacturers and struggling discount stores summarizes the current economic backdrop. The wealth divide is growing and the rich have never been richer than they are now. How is this “strong” economy? #economy #EconomyNews #EconomyMonetary #inflation… Now, one can optimize global $1E12 industries more easily than selling 1E12 things for $1
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Facebook – Cutting Water with a hydrophobic knife – look at me do this and this and this You can make a holder and cutter with cameras and controls to cut smaller and smaller. What tools you use determine how small, but better than using eyes, hands and cutters that are really rather large and blunt. Perhaps laser(s). Your videos are often intriguing, but I am almost always dissatisfied because it is
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Make “food” from raw materials anywhere in the solar system

Flowers, there are whole “food production” technologies that can make edible materials for humans and related species. Taking wood and stems to make alcohol for fuel, there are industrial and sustainable industries to make sugars, starches – pretty much whatever you want.   Perhaps what you are struggling with is “Is photosynthesis necessary?” or “Do
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Comment on Video about oracle bones

“oracle bone” OR “oracle bones” has 335,000 entry points (Google, 13 Aug 2022) “divination” has 18.6 Million entry points “prognostication” has 4.54 Million entry points “fortune teller” OR “fortune telling” has 17.4 Million entry points “prediction” OR “predicting” OR “predictions” has 832 Million entry points “forecast” OR “forecasts” OR “forecasting” OR “forecaster” OR “forecasters” has
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Comment on Integrated Water Strategies, Thinking Outside The Pipe

Integrated Water Strategies: Thinking Outside The Pipe at These seem to be very expensive methods. Do you have a cost breakdown? Homes, schools, businesses, small farms, abandoned land, landfills, poor counties, poor cities, poor countries. Nothing wrong, except the world and climate change is very large. Teaching only methods – without also teaching how
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Comment on Electromagnet for attracting copper

Electromagnet for Attracting Copper, Aluminum and Non-Ferrous Metals like GOLD! Yes, vary the frequency and measure the force response. A spectrum is easier to use and understand. There should be specific resonances for each kind and shape of material. Electric and magnetic polarization studies of materials have been tried since earliest days, but have
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