The humans are the aliens My comment:  Instead of stories about aliens, I think you should write about real humans facing ordinary problems like bureaucracies, greed, corporate narrow-mindedness, trash, bad education systems, gross gross gross inefficiency, corruption, and terminal callous disregard for the value of human lives by neglect and oppression. Making a ship perform is just mechanics and
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Magnetic strong force

Can you tell me details of how the coefficients in the Geiger-Nuttall relation are measured or calculated? It is applied to alpha decay and to cluster decays. It is connected to terms like “decay constant”, “Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin”. “fission”, “alpha decay” George Gamow was supposed to have made a model of some sort that sort of explains
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Global Open Formats

Freya Holmér at – Generative AI is a Parasitic Cancer My comment: All I can do is offer you a cup of coffee. Maybe $10 is not enough to buy coffee now. I spent the last 27 years of the Internet Foundation looking at all knowledge on the Internet. A key part of that
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Magnetic Potential replaces nuclear strong force, lattice robots made stronger, lighter faster

Magnetic binding potential in stable magnetically bound particle pairs Magnetic dipole potential (attraction) = Coulomb Potential (repulsion or pulling apart) mu0*mu1*mu2/(4*pi*r^3) = z1*z2*e^2/(4*pi*e0*r) mu0*mu1*mu2*(4*pi*e0) = z1*z2*e^2 * (4*pi*r^3) mu0*mu1*mu2*(e0) = z1*z2*e^2 * (r^2) r^2 = mu0*e0*mu1*mu2/( z1*z2*e^2) muo * e0 = 1/( c^2 ) r^2 = [mu1*mu2/ z1*z2]/(c^2*e^2) r = sqrt([mu1*mu2/ z1*z2])/ e*c Reference Values:
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X Grok, global and systemic issues, Elon Musk Nobel Prize Are there tiers to Grok services and subscriptions? 15 web pages Yes, there are tiers to Grok services and subscriptions. Here’s a breakdown based on available information: Free Tier: Grok is now available for everyone with certain limitations. Free users can ask up to 10 questions every two hours and have access to three
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It is not hard, but it needs focus – global open exact references It is not hard, but it needs focus – global open exact references I was chatting with OpenAI ChatGPT Plus about Bernoulli and related equations. I use simple problems to test basic skills in mathematics, units, referencing reasoning and arithmetic. OpenAI fails always on certain problems and it is because the whole reliance is
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Digital vaults, secure storage, verifiable, traceable, audit-able, reliable, trustworthy, global

Considering the form and operation of secure global open Internet where the operation is auditable and open for continuous improvement. Do NOT use inserted programming boxes, only publishable text =============== Digital vaults, secure storage, verifiable, traceable, audit-able, reliable, trustworthy, global: And open formats so it is lossless, useful, can be combined and verified. You can
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