Category: All Global Open Devices

Magnetic Potential replaces nuclear strong force, lattice robots made stronger, lighter faster

Magnetic binding potential in stable magnetically bound particle pairs Magnetic dipole potential (attraction) = Coulomb Potential (repulsion or pulling apart) mu0*mu1*mu2/(4*pi*r^3) = z1*z2*e^2/(4*pi*e0*r) mu0*mu1*mu2*(4*pi*e0) = z1*z2*e^2 * (4*pi*r^3) mu0*mu1*mu2*(e0) = z1*z2*e^2 * (r^2) r^2 = mu0*e0*mu1*mu2/( z1*z2*e^2) muo * e0 = 1/( c^2 ) r^2 = [mu1*mu2/ z1*z2]/(c^2*e^2) r = sqrt([mu1*mu2/ z1*z2])/ e*c Reference Values:
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Digital vaults, secure storage, verifiable, traceable, audit-able, reliable, trustworthy, global

Considering the form and operation of secure global open Internet where the operation is auditable and open for continuous improvement. Do NOT use inserted programming boxes, only publishable text =============== Digital vaults, secure storage, verifiable, traceable, audit-able, reliable, trustworthy, global: And open formats so it is lossless, useful, can be combined and verified. You can
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Observatories and big science must share with all humans, not just a few, 20% The barriers to use any live or recorded raw data from observatories on the Internet are insurmountably high for everyone. A few 100 thousands insiders is not “everyone”, it is only a tiny fraction of the 8.2 Billion humans now. There are about 5.4 Billion humans using the Internet. About 2 Billions kids from
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Gravitational energy density, iterative AIs with permanent memory, Fraunhofer thinkers

Full conversation : RichardKCollin2 said: How precisely is it possible to use an optical prism to measure the solar spectrum? Fraunhofer certainly did not have today’s expensive filters? What did he use and how did ht do it?   RichardKCollin2′ OpenAI ChatGPT Plus said: Joseph von Fraunhofer’s work on the solar spectrum, conducted in
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Collaborative Global Model of the Sun Richard Collins: I am looking at 3D computer models of the sun, particularly its atmosphere. What can you tell me about “dimension independent notation”. OpenAI ChatGPT Plus: “Dimension-independent notation” refers to a framework or mathematical representation that transcends specific dimensional constraints. In the context of 3D computer models of the sun, including its atmosphere,
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What can you do to make this more understandable?

What can you do to make this more understandable? Without throwing any information away? What will it look like in the next millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, century, million years, billion years?   Lots of training data at   What is the minimal representation? That is faithful to the data for
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