Category: Efficiency Prizes

Silicon strip detectors for CMS, bonding solid wires still, Universities as termite mounds My Comments: Silicon strip detectors for CMS, bonding solid wires still, Universities as termite mounds Thank you for sharing this. I was not familiar with Aachen University. You might want to include links to Wikipedia articles in English, German, Chinese, and other human languages for a more balanced and complete overview and history of
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If you hate disease and inertia, work on positive and responsible things.

Adriano Aguzzi @AdrianoAguzzi A student told me that he visited a lab to explore a possible postdoc position. He spoke to a dozen people, and no student/postdoc explained him what they were doing or show any data. What a sad, wrong and self-defeating way of doing science. Replying to @AdrianoAguzzi If you hate disease and
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Born, raised, live in Texas. Growth is not enough. It needs caring and sharing, and much greater engagement with the world and its future.

Map Pack: Why Texas is Becoming THE Most Powerful State at Born, raised, live in Texas. On my Mom’s side from about 1860 and on my Dad’s side about 1920. My Dad and his brother grew up in the oil fields. My Maternal grandmother wrote a small book, “Living in the oil fields”. Many
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Note I am joking here. Do not take this one seriously

Prof. Nikolai Slavov @slavov_n  Yale has more administrators and managers than undergraduate students.  Replying to @slavov_n Note that I am joking here. Do not take this seriously:   Your name hints that you are not from the US originally. Please know that you are not supposed to point out such things. Padding staff is
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Electric Thrusters, Thorium, nuclear ionization sources, energy management

Results of Experimental Studies on Thorium Migration in Electric Thrusters – Doug Codron, Keith Goodfellow, Daniel Erwin My Comments: Thank you for sharing your research. I think it likely the conditions for “superconducting” thermionic/photonic emission are not hard to achieve. Adding nuclear and electromagnetic ionization sources is one practical way to start controlled avalanches.
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Foundation updated – One “Seldon year” is worth 1000 years of humans doing it unaided

The Trantor of Foundation only had 40 Billion humans. With nuclear, atomic and true AI, most everyone could see the sky. The food and material intermediates flowing to human consumable and fabrication locations, can be energized by nuclear and atomic power sources. Mainly gamma, electron, ion and isotope forms – which are well understood and
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Internet Efficiency Prizes, Internet Best Practices

Morning Brew: Why the Internet Is Running Out of Electricity at The Internet as a whole is grossly inefficient, sending megabytes where a few Kilobytes would do. Gigabytes where MegaBytes would do. Rarely do you get offered an index and selection from data “sharing”, it is “click here to download petabytes, see we’re sharing”. The
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The near future might have many synthesized foods, materials and experiences

The near future might have many synthesized foods, materials and experiences — The rumor on the Internet is that most “olive oil” is already a substitute. If it truly disappeared, there are ways to make oils by blending that can substitute. And ways to make it by building molecules with industrial chemical processes. There are
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Self sustaining reactions, solitons and Nobel prizes, wave fronts, atomic and nuclear space ships

Steve Mould: Bizarre traveling flame discovery at About 1974/1975 I wss at the University of Texas at Austin. Ilya Prigogine was there with his group and they were studying chemical clocks, and chemical oscillators. Now Prigogine got his Nobel prize in 1977 for a range of things with names like “dissipative structures”, “systems far
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File your ideas where they belong in the digital twin of the future. The Internet is a map of the past, present and future.

Internet Foundation Suggestion: File your future policy suggestions with emerging digital twins on the Internet. If you are working in vacuum processing and worried about pollution of the vacuum in new cities on the Moon or orbit, do NOT stuff your ideas in impossible-to-find folders and documents. Link them now directly to the emerging industries.
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