Category: Process Monitoring and Control

Broader view of nuclear energy applications by energy density

S3: The future of Nuclear = Small, Mobile, Microreactors, Radiant at This reminds me of Elon Musk – low tech (graphite, heat, coolants, everyday materials) rather than fields and high energy density. At least the people are able to do those things now. Remote chemical processes can be economic with mostly heat, not electricity.
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Pulse jets are periodic internal combustion engines with high frequencies – OpenAI needs to step up its game

MRP Ingenious: DIY Acetylene in DIY Pulse Jet at You had to make a diagram and measurements to be able to cut and assemble it. There are also mathematical models and computer algorithms to model and design engines like yours. It means knowing the pressures, densities, flow rates, temperatures, energies, reactions, ignition. Even if you
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Field Propulsion is 3D Electromagnetic Force management with high frequencies and high sampling rates

Master Ivo: Field Propulsion, Explained with Working Proof at You are wasting a lot of time inventing theories that are well known and trying to learn quantities that are relatively easy to measure and calculate. Start by thinking what you want to do. I suggest you use magnetic levitation first. Forces on wires and magnets
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Note to NIST about gold Au typos The Thermal Expansion of Pure Metals

Hello, I was looking at The Thermal Expansion of Pure Metals: Copper, Gold, Aluminum, Nickel, and Iron at It has a spreadsheet.  In the “Au data” sheet There is a temperature 38136.  I think that ought to be 381.36. The value for 157 centigrade, 37.3417?  Should it be 0.00373417? The value at 34.6 centigrade,
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Comment on Video about oracle bones

“oracle bone” OR “oracle bones” has 335,000 entry points (Google, 13 Aug 2022) “divination” has 18.6 Million entry points “prognostication” has 4.54 Million entry points “fortune teller” OR “fortune telling” has 17.4 Million entry points “prediction” OR “predicting” OR “predictions” has 832 Million entry points “forecast” OR “forecasts” OR “forecasting” OR “forecaster” OR “forecasters” has
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Twitter simulation of fluids stirred by pointed paddles

Physics Magazine @PhysicsMagazine 8h Simulation videos illustrate how changing different parameters of the system alters how well two fluids mix together when stirred. (For the stirrers, tadpole and teeth shapes are best). Read the story by @astrogasparini. Replying to @PhysicsMagazine @PhysRevFluids and @astrogasparini Effectively Mixing Two Fluids at If only the simulations
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Comment on Video Removing Heavy Wind Shake from FPV footage

Removing heavy wind shake from FPV footage at I have been collecting live video streams on the Internet for some time. I call the collection “shake wind”. Mainly beaches, bridges, mountains and places where the wind is fierce and the camera will often shake, sometimes violently. But the equation of motion of the camera is
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Comment on Electromagnet for attracting copper

Electromagnet for Attracting Copper, Aluminum and Non-Ferrous Metals like GOLD! Yes, vary the frequency and measure the force response. A spectrum is easier to use and understand. There should be specific resonances for each kind and shape of material. Electric and magnetic polarization studies of materials have been tried since earliest days, but have
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Superhalogens, hyperhalogens, hyperatoms, and controlled nuclear decays

Walter, This morning I was going over the magnetic, isotopic and chemical properties of manganese, and all the industrial and societal uses. I came across the terms “superhalogens” and “hyperhalogens” “hyperhalogens” OR “superhalogens” OR “hyperhalogen” OR “superhalogen” has 20,500 entry points There are LOTS of related terms – superalkalai, superatoms.  People like to make their
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Comment on Can You Modify A Car To Save Fuel?

Can You Modify A Car To Save Fuel? – Fifth Gear The weight reduction impact shows up if you start and stop as part of a test. Aerodynamic drag goes as the density of air times the velocity squared. You should have waited for a day identical to the first. You guys are in
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