Spinal Cord Injury in Bangladesh – Connecting all people in the world related to “spinal cord injury”

“spinal cord injury” has 18 Million entry points (15 Oct 2021, Google)

Can you make a short video? Put it on YouTube and add Patreon? That would reach the largest audience globally, and it is fairly stable. You can make videos about the issue in Bangladesh and globally, about the impact on the family. Tell your story and the story of that type of injury.



You will have to try it yourself, because only you can make the videos, you have to try it from your country to see if it works. Start with a 3 to 5 minute video.

You have marketing and writing skills. Find someone in your family or friends who can help with the video. Treat it like a job. Don’t give up or feel overwhelmed. Have courage and hope.

Do you have a church? Ask them to help with prayer and volunteers.

“spinal cord injury” “bangladesh” copy this search to Goolge and read some of what is going on in your country. Become an expert. Give talks at your church, show the videos.

Everything for your husband and family has to come from Bangladesh. Most of it will rely on you. If you build a community and share online, your intent should be to help your country first.

Loss of work-related income impoverishes people with SCI and their families in Bangladesh at

Two-year survival following discharge from hospital after spinal cord injury in Bangladesh at

“The cost of providing a community-based model of care to people with spinal cord injury, and the healthcare costs and economic burden to households of spinal cord injury in Bangladesh” at

Conclusion: The cost of providing community-based support to people with SCI for 2 years post discharge in Bangladesh is relatively inexpensive but an overwhelming majority of households rapidly experience financial catastrophe, and most fall into poverty.

Contact the authors of this study. Set aside time to “work” on changing Bangladesh. Don’t give up, have hope and optimism for the future, hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.

Take a look at groups like Christopher Reeve Foundation. I will see about designing a global program for them to raise support. That will take longer, but will have international impact. Think about becoming a Bangladesh support group leader with Christopher Reeve Foundation.


Christopher Reeve played “Superman” and was extremely popular. He broke his neck in a riding accident. His foundation was one of the first for spinal cord injury that reached tens of millions. He lived for 19 years after his accident and helped many.

Can you husband talk? What is his status? A three minute video each week will give donors a sense of what is going on, and help focus research for solutions.

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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