AIs helping to design and refine methods for Terabytes per second processes

Dear Reader,

You might find this article I wrote today on X interesting.  It was prompted by reading an email about high speed imaging at 1000s or millions or billions of frames per second. It covers data rates and methods for imaging high power density signals and ends with recommendation for large global projects. If you have trouble understanding it, give it to your AI and have it explain it to you or ask your AI questions.  It is fairly complete.

I would like to see real examples of 10, 100 and 1,000 frames lossless from your camera looking at something changing. Do you have any raw data in lossless format online for potential users to see what real data looks like? Post it online, build open communities then help new industries grow.

I can guess the kinds of people and projects that might entail, but there are 5.4 Billion Internet users now, and I am constantly surprised by what groups and individuals do.

I have reviewed the Internet for all sensors and all uses of data globally every day for the last 27 years.

Looking at the raw data is the fastest way to find potential new uses and users. And to evaluate the quality and flexibility of suppliers and groups. It teaches basics and gives meaning to why these methods and systems are important.

Richard Collins,
The Internet Foundation, Houston Texas
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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