DNA Genealogy as it affects individuals, groups, populations, species – “Genome Genealogy”

DNA Genealogy as it affects individuals, groups, populations, species – “Genome Genealogy”

One of my DNA matches is beyond my ability to help. Part is that I am getting too old and tired to use the click and human memory intensive methods that is all that #Ancestry offers. The other is that most of the matches involved have no tree or lock them. Now I can, and will try to, make tools to help organize and use the information more completely and efficiently.

But, there are issues related to the lives of the people involved that are beyond my ability, or responsibility, to deal with.

I can help make complete pedigrees, and to organize the knowledge. I have suggestions about how one ought to behave with respect to others. But I cannot do everything.

DNA genealogy has somewhat improved the handling and organization of DNA and genealogy and other information to better understand and combine that data into insights into human history, community, purposes, experiences and expectations.

But DNA genealogy and DNA genealogists are a tiny tiny tiny part of the lives of individuals usually. Except where DNA and how it comes about are key factors in lives, choices and expectations for individual and group futures.  #DnaGenealogy #GenomeGenalogy

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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