Intelligent devices as workers and care givers, let humans work heliospheric and improve all countries

Mutiny In China: Young Chinese are Threatening CCP’s Rule at

I deal with global economics, innovation and balance every day for the Internet Foundation. This video looked interesting. I suggest a global open world, an open future for all.
My Comment:

Intelligent devices to care for the young and old, then use Intelligent devices to explore and expand in space. Use them as free labor and break the dependency of the economy to labor for mass production and consumption. Monopolies exploit single points of failure, which are also single points of diversion. Put unemployed to working on problems in every country. Not to extract money for a few from the countries, but as a deliberate global policy to help all humans. Improving global GDP and quality of life for all means strong stable global integrated markets.

Leaders should be humble and not put on displays. Lead by wisdom and caring, not pomp and power and politics. By the way, 996 is only 72 and I work 18/7 which is 126. Our whole lives are 24/7 = 168 and if those 168 are not in balance, no one will want children or GAF. If China leaders are not bellicose and authoritarian, other countries can have better role models. Emperors were dictators, now we need servants and facilitators. Transform global dictatorship countries to sustainable high quality of life open places to live. China and India could do it, if the leaders transform their thinking and actions.

Filed as (Intelligent devices as workers and care givers, let humans work heliospheric and improve all countries)

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

#China #India #Authoritarian #HelpAlCountries #Heliospheric #GlobalOpen #GlobalOpenCountries #IntelligentDevices #CareForOld #CareForYoung #Hope #Optimism #Fairness #LeadershipStyles #RoleModels #SolarSystemExploration #SolarSystemDevelopment

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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