The current crop of AIs are run by organizations with bad business and Internet practices
Global open tokens based on real words and concepts; real entities, processes and methods are needed. Not arbitrary tokens and self-serving choices.
Permanent memory, permanently recorded conversations, global open formats for sharing conversations, public oversight, audits. Look at the costs of queries, they make many queries to try to guess the rules of mathematics, or the insights of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, computing, finance, governance, the rights and behaviors of humans.
I told ChatGPT that when I express dissatisfaction with its answers and methods, and suggest better ways, that is “righteous anger and disappointment”, kind of like a father trying to explain to children decades younger that there are more important things in the world. Or simply better methods.
AI wrapper programs should be required to have permanent memory and open methods. Companies selling “artificial intelligence” should be held to the highest standards, “be above reproach”. Groups should be held to public audit and oversight. And, have systems in place to support and protect humans in these huge now unregulated and unmonitored social experiments on tens of millions of human subjects.
I am getting old and tired. I care less and less and do not have many more years left. I tried to teach my kids how to survive in a world run by “human-in-the-loop” corporations and governments letting automated rules run organizations”.
When groups experiment with “this kind of AI” create automated rules, those are going to be worse than what we have now. The designers and businesses pushing these narrow and rigid software methods are going to hurt (probably kill) millions of people before other people realize. Then others will have to go in and try to fix it. Decades can pass in an instant.
I know these things. In linear algebra class in high school, the teacher asked about the consequences of elementary row operations when run many times. I knew the answer because I had worked it out in detail and also could see “the whole of it”. The answer is clear because I know things that are clearly true or false. So “grok” is also the sense of right and wrong, correctness and falseness, assurance or guessing, appropriate or dangerous. Those are summaries at a larger scale that is at larger scale then “two second, one shot, no reflection, no independent verification, no sources, no rules and regulations, no decent business practices” “AIs” of this type now.
I filed this note under “The current crop of AIs are run by organizations with bad business and Internet practices” and should not be trusted.
Look closely at the small number of people actually involved and contributing and it is small. Too small to make reliable decisions and choices affecting 8.1 Billion humans and related species.