Category: Open Algorithm Development

Comment on Flywheel energy storage experiment video

Electrical tests! | 2 Mechanical Battery by Black Sahara at I like what you are doing or I would not comment. Please get a stand for your camera. Learn to solder. Learn to use sound card oscilloscopes and spreadsheets. Keep up the great work!! Thanks for the videos!! Put a “support” “donate” button somewhere.
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Why did the Google molecular weight of methane come out as 20.067?

Hello, I was working on atmospheric composition and asked google methane pubchem molecular weight It came up with 20.067 which traces to Now I am tired, but carbon is 12.011 and hydrogen is 1.008*4, so the total should be closer to 16.011 Is this page supposed to be deuterated?  12.011 + 2*4.0282035557 = 20.067407
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Comment on Virtual Family Trees for Ancestry and the Internet

Even though it might seem extra work, I might log into another account, but rather than make me the manager, I leave them as owner and manager, and invite myself as a DNA collaborator, and invite myself to their tree as Editor. Life is long and the people you help should have some measure of
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Some Notes on applications for MEMS gravimeters and their global calibration

Marley, For the last 20 years or so, I have been tracking gravimeter developments, hoping one day they could be developed enough to use in low cost gravitational imaging arrays. I don’t have my notes on what I wrote to you.  My memory is that I saw you were at “earth tide” sensitivity. That is
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Notes from survey questions.

Internet Research – global sensor networks and sharing Looking for data to correlate with other sensor networks Your left bars are rich in links. But you are using almost a different style of navigation on every page, certainly every section. With about 3 Million entry points for that is a lot of hand building
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Comment on video to measure wavelength of sound and apply reasoning

Waterloo Double Slit 1 at David, I think it would help viewers if you draw a wave on a transparency and overlay it onto another wave to show what is happening. Put two arbitrary time series and look where they match or do not as the time difference changes. Put a time series made
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Equation Accessibility on, Encouraging Global Collaboration

I like the MathML and equation accessibility of your pages. I am at right now. But suggest you integrate some tools to immediately use the equations.  You have LOTS of them on your site, and they are disconnected fragments. Collectively they can change the world. And, there is no sense of community on this
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NASA Web methods, policies, practices, staff, training, purpose

Emily, I have not forgotten about you and In fact, I spent many full days checking different aspects of what is going on, who is doing it, who it serves, how much (if any) user involvement is allowed, the level of practice shown in the pages, integration (or not) with contractors and federal agencies,
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Can a Penning trapped electron or ion be used as a time of flight gravimeter?

Subject: In your months long measurements on single electrons did you see diurnal variations? Has anyone tried to make a single electron gravimeter? Gerald, I was doing a quick review of linear and quadratic effects in paramagnetic resonance, and happened to notice “Gabrielse and company confined single electrons for months at a time”.  For many
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Comment on Visualizing the world’s largest turbulence simulation video

Visualizing the world’s largest turbulence simulation Please post links to your sites. If you have data to share (it can be mere 1000^3 samples or statistical summaries), give people more than just pretty pictures. I think you went too fast. I think your simulations left off all the low density pieces because I don’t
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