Category: Open Algorithm Development

Comment on The 49 dollar, 500 WattHour eBike Battery video You talk about motivations for watching and DIY at about minute 14. The reason I am watching is I have a lifetime of learning how things work, what they can do, and how to put them into different combinations. Often the off-the-shelf parts don’t fit, or are overkill or too expensive. Mostly they just
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Plans for measuring the speed of gravity again, using superconducting gravimeter and related sensor networks

One linear regression is all that is needed to useg JPL Ephemeris to separate the sun moon from earth-based signals I want to repeat the SG network speed of gravity measurement I did in 2003 using all the current stations. I will also use the best of the broadband seismometers from Any absolute measurements,
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Comments on – is it for real? What and who is it for?

I came across while searching for “parallel sequential” “fluorescence in situ hybridization”.  There is no location or identification information. No team.  It looks like someone copied material from PubMed and MedLine then put really basic queries and listings.  I wrote to ask them who they are, where they are, and what their goals might
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Balloon Videos, Allsky and HalfSky Cameras on the Internet

UFOs Unexpected Flying Objects on a Peaceful Morning – I am reviewing live videos on the Internet, but seldom have time to just enjoy them. I made a second video of the balloons, but tried to add a magnifier to the video to show them larger. I want to add many tools to make
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Comment on Figma video – make your own interactive global forum, let everyone use it for free

How we Jam: FigJam for Designers at You took an interactive and collaborative environment and transferred it to a one way only, no feedback format when you put this on YouTube. You should have Figma be able to talk to the whole Internet (about 4.8 billion with some access) and then listen and let
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Comment on Peters Seismological Observatory video Seismology Research Centre My Comments: I searched for “Peters Seismological Observatory” and found it is listed as DU.TPSO (network.station) in The profile for DU.TPSO is at where the instruments are explained. Unfortunately, only the STS-2 is listed and only the HHE, HHN and HHZ 100 samples per second three axis seismic data
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Calibrating and documenting all images and videos on the Internet – Half Sky and All Sky Cameras

Facebook AllSky group – I have found thousands of live web cameras on the Internet. Here is one that has stars often – I saved a screen print of the whole page when found good stars. Then I opened that in an image viewer and clipped the sky. I went to and
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Comment on Chain Fountain videos

Chain Fountain 2 – Drill powered spool When the beads are in a jar, they have a vertical component of velocity to go up and over the rim, so the beads trajectory follows gravity. Since stress travels through the beads much faster than the beads themselves, the force of the faster beads in the
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Comments and questions for Facebook InTheSkyOrg and In-The-Sky.Org All the material you post here. Is it also on your website? Can you index and organize it? If you post the same item several times, can you keep things together? You have good tools on your site, but they can be improved. There is no standard best practices form for easy and traceable
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Comments to AllSky group on Facebook

I bought this Arducam MIPI camera for the Raspberry Pi. It is 4672*3496 and the best that anyone seems to have gotten is 1 frame every 10 seconds. I think it needs a $200 computer, not a $100 one. And some assembler or C programming. But then look at the time lapses posted by
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