Category: Open Algorithm Development

Comment to All Sky Camera group Can someone tell me the current best all sky set up? I was thinking of one that had zoom from all sky to 30x. Any suggestions. Thanks. I was looking at PTZ low light security cameras. Dan Bush Thank you. Your picture gallery is filled with beautiful images. I searched fro Hikvision cameras and
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Comment on Can You Modify A Car To Save Fuel?

Can You Modify A Car To Save Fuel? – Fifth Gear The weight reduction impact shows up if you start and stop as part of a test. Aerodynamic drag goes as the density of air times the velocity squared. You should have waited for a day identical to the first. You guys are in
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Comment on Houston Astronomical Society website and practices

Debbie, First, your novice videos should be globally public on your website.  Either HAS is an organization devoted to all people knowing about the sky and heavens, or not.  Share openly.  If there are things specific to secure gatherings at private places, those should not be shared, but minimized or separate.  I tell groups like
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Comment on exploding wire and electron beam vaporization studies of electric polarizabiltiies

Dynamic dipole polarizability of gold and copper atoms for 532- and 1064-nm wavelengths I wrote to Gennady Sarkisov on ResearchGate about your work just now.  I was reading his Jan 2019 paper “Dynamic dipole polarizability of gold and copper atoms for 532- and 1064-nm wavelengths” at and left him this comment. ——————–  My
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Comment in Microwave Handy Scanner I doubt that you read comments that come years after you make a video. But I will leave this in case anyone wants to try to improve on this. I think it is a really good idea and there are lots of tools and methods to improve on it. Particularly for humans, but for
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Comment on Nuclear Desalination Report

http://Article Nuclear Desalination: A State-of-the-Art Review Thank you for putting this together. This is a clear, and fairly complete, review of the issues, economics, performance and maintenance of nuclear desalination processors. I just wish that each site’s operational, financial and social impacts were public on the Internet in a form for comparison and optimization. Encouraging
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Models at CCMC, Vitmo ModelWeb Browser Results, Fundamental constants and equations used

Hello, I was enjoying your model site.  One of the better ones on the Internet in terms of ease of use and clarity. The only thing that I would like different is to have parameters in the generated URL, so that I can bookmark a run and go back to it again, without manually entering
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Comment on a wonderful recipe

It’s so delicious that I cook it almost every day! incredible recipe # 10 at The food is beautiful. Your methods and cooking show well. It is easy to see the care you put into making textures that fit the cooking, and probably taste good and are satisfying to eat. But, you need context.
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Comment on Climate Change video from TED

Watch the 2021 TED Countdown Global Livestream | Take action on climate change So now TED is an entertainment channel? There used to be some thought and effort. But now it is all click bait. 2:35:16? Where is your data and models? All talk. There are 150,848 views at 5:00 am 31 Oct 2021
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Comment on a video about making your own butter, is it cost effective in the United States?

Stop buying butter! Do it yourself! Only 1 ingredient needed at In the United States I think heavy cream with 35% butter fat costs more than butter. And your method requires a mixer, blender, bowls and utensils. So ordinary, non chef, humans might be better to just buy butter when it is on sale.
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