Category: Internet Best Practices

Comments on “General Nuclear Database Structure”

Michael, For the Internet Foundation, I am reviewing “nuclear data” on the Internet. Today I am looking at “ENDF”: At Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF) under “The ENDF Format” at the bottom is has “Beyond the ENDF Format”: Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) – WPEC Expert Group on the Recommended Definition of a General Nuclear
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New Video: Atomic Masses, Atomic Decay energies, Gravitational GPS

Isotopic Masses, Fundamental Constant Groups, World Education, Gravitational Fuels I start by showing how bad PDF is for sharing data. I am trying to get a simple table of isotopic masses to check the nuclear data tables. And it is stored in terrible form. I had to copy and paste and edit to get
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Comment on: Can you split an electron? Muhammad Khan, There are many possible ways that an electron can evolve into other particles, depending on the energy. As an electron interacts with the vacuum, at some point the “electron” ceases to be a localized and simple thing. The waves induced in the vacuum can take many forms. The most useful representation (my
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New Video about the Internet YouTube Google Franck-Hertz Experiments

Yesterday: HoverBoxes Finally, Skins for Websites, Saving Layouts, Extracting from PDF, Global Groups Bubbling – Today: Using the Internet to find and encourage global communities engineering science AMOE – AMOE (Atomic Molecular Optical Electronic Magnetic Acoustic Mechanical … ) – Franck-Hertz

Google put their ad between my video and its title.

Please do not put your advertisements between my video and the title of my video. If you have to advertise your work, put it at the top of the screen. and give people the option to remove it. You are effectively using my work to advertise your page. You own the site and I have
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Comment on web policy page at, and survey comments

I was reviewing web policies of gov domain sites, just to see whether there are any common standards. Your page at is rich in many materials. I hope to have time to look at many of them. I am only writing for two reasons, first to thank the people who are doing that work.
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Large computers hosting associated global communities of global projects

Bill, For the Internet Foundation, I am reviewing the role of large computers and computer arrays.  What started me on this slightly ahead of schedule was the ExaScale group at | GitHub website for E4S Project and then today looking at the Dark Energy Survey that leads back to NCSA. My outline for a
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Visiting NSF NOIRLab for the first time – looking for pixels from telescopes

Hello, For the Internet Foundation, I am looking at many data and model sharing efforts on the Internet. To judge difficulty of use, gather notes on practices, policies, methods, content, groups, and links between efforts.  I am posting this note also to /?p=1230 so more people can see it. If you want me to change
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Please correct an error on, Physics of Plasma Globes

I happened on a nicely done study of the plasma ball.  The filaments are re-created every cycle.  They start as spherically symmetric (probably depending on the roughness of the sphere they use) and then extend outward at fast but finite speed. Each cycle, the tendrils (that is the most common name so far) follow the
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Note to Astronomical League I found a few YouTube live all sky cameras. They are for weather, weather research, astronomical viewing planning, a tiny bit of actual teaching of human astronomical methods, some moon and sun projects, some cosmic ray and lightning, some comet, some other things. I just wondered if your members and groups are doing this,
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