Notes related to A MEMS Resonant Lorentz-Force Magnetometer with Both Structural Topology Optimization and Parametric Pumping for Q-Factor Enhancement

A MEMS Resonant Lorentz-Force Magnetometer with Both Structural Topology Optimization and Parametric Pumping for Q-Factor Enhancement at


Life has been interesting lately. I get to work on some of the most interesting questions. Just now I am tracing down some laser wakefield capillary tube x-ray sources. The laser diode groups seem to have gotten stuck at UV laser diodes, so I wondered why. I have been keeping soft x-rays in mind for many years, since the energy density of the gravitational field at the surface of the earth is about the same as a blackbody at 1.5 keV. But the spectrum is different. So I find people who try to build things at those energy densities, the see if their noise matches any of the signatures I am looking for.

I think you just described an IMU with gravimeter and magnetometer integrated on the same chip. But I was thinking of devices that were both accelerometers (sensitive ones are gravimeters) and magnetometers. It is just a matter of the completeness of the modeling. Anything that has mass can be used as a gravimeter, if its position can be estimated. Anything that also response to magnetic fields sensitively can be a good magnetic field sensor. I have look, for the last few years, whether electrons would be good for that. They are light weight and respond well at GHz and THz frequencies. Most of “electronics” is pretty well refined. Except people forget that the core is a particle with mass and magnetic moment. When electrons bind (they can bind by magnetic dipole forces under very particular situations), then you have a very sensitive detector situation.

The atom interferometers are probably the cheapest way to gravimetry now. But they are so damned expensive. I wish LIGO groups would move to atom interferometry rather than spend all that money pushing old technologies. I would rather see every country in the world using desktop gravitational detectors in global arrays, than spend more billions for a few groups who really don’t know how to share. A few hundred thousand groups and a few million individuals are interested, but all the money gets sucked into large projects that take decades. We could be using it for every day problems like imaging the atmospheric density in real time to calibrate the climate models.

Sorry. I shouldn’t say that. There are lots of wonderful problems that photons can solve.

I am at the end of another long day. Keep up the great work. We need some better way for thousands of people and groups to work on common problems – one set of master models and related data – all interlinked, calibrated, standard units, universal computing language (one of my projects for the Internet).

Got to go. If you need anything just write. My regular email is RichardCollins@TheInternetFoundation.Org


I just remembered. I was looking at an experiment a friend of mine worked on. Dilip Kondepudi worked with Ilya Prigogine at UT Austin. I hung out there for a few years (just before Prigogine got his Nobel prize in chemical physics for things related to statistical mechanics. Anyway, Dilip did an experiment with conducting and nonconducting bead in oil, with a high voltage source. It acts like a current switch when you move the beads magnetically or manuallly. I told them that most everyone was using (or trying to use) nanoparticles and mostly NOT in liquids. But the high voltage electrical transmission and distribution groups need better transformers, and the failures in insulation follow the same patterns as Dilips toy problem. So I am trying to sort that one out.

I just reviewed a group doing subsurface imaging using natural seismic sources. They need what you are making, but an order of magnitude better. I do these things keeping in mind the economic and social values of things. Finding water, oil, salts, chemicals, oil and gas are still high valued. And doing it under the ocean even better.

I work on four or five of these a day now. EVERY group has things they cannot find or solve, and 98.5% of the time it is because the knowledge they need is in a different area, and groups don’t talk to each other. I have tackled the problem of translating ALL scientific, technical, engineering and industrial languages (jargons) into one. That is going reasonably well, hope to have some of it working this year. I can do it in my head, because I have been memorizing all the equations, units, dimensions, phenomena, and connections between groups for fifty years. But I am getting tired and there are too many groups. So letting the computer do it is best. But the computer requires teaching.


Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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