Red Singlet Oxygen reaction video comment – My life story about gravitational energy density, fusion, magnetic dipole strong and weak forces

Comment on Action Lab at

My Comment:

Thank you for sharing. I have never seen a video of that chemical reaction before with the intense red. For an earth to orbit lift scenario, (SpaceX) I designed a system with many 2 GigaWatt storage units, each that has to produce for about 5 minutes (300 seconds). That amount of energy cannot be stored in chemical bonds, because of the amount of chemicals needed. But it can be done – similar to your singlet oxygen example –  using atomic bonds. Instead of 1.6268 electron volts per bond for the singlet red photon, it uses KeV isotopic bonds up to about 2.2 MeV. We do not have tools for the MeV bonds that I know of, but a few KeV some groups should be able to. If it were 40 KeV, that would (40,000/1.6268) = 24588.15 or roughly 25,000 times smaller for the same total energy per reaction.

That kind of energy density allows the whole chemical fuel stack for a SpaceX rocket (booster stage that now has to also carry the oxygen).  Visualize 100 meter tall fuel tanks and assemblies, shrunk to 100 Meters/25000 = 4 milliMeters.  And because these are ground units and sending the energy to the second stage, there is no weight added to the second stage.  I eliminates the booster stage. When I was a freshman in high school (1964), I took Chemical Bond Approach chemistry in the same class as my older sister. Our Dad worked at Cape Canaveral so we were immersed in “put a man on the Moon”. Every time I would see or hear a rocket tested or going up, I would say to myself, “that is SO inefficient, it needs to use atomic or nuclear bond energies!”.

This 60 years ago. I am 75 now.  I took chemistry every year of high school, got a perfect 800 SAT, got scholarship offers from universities I applied to and went to Case Institute of Technology, the back to Florida for University of West Florida for physics, quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, aerospace engineering.  I co-oped at CIA as a scientific programmer to track all things in orbit. Learned how to model orbits precisely and solve large models forward and inverse. Then Texas State Health Department statistician on population forecasting, GIS, regional health and city health planning. Then Texas Education Agency Chief Accountant to design their central accounting system with emphasis on performance based accounting, information integration and business process model creation and audits. Then UT Austin for statistical mechanics and thermodynamics far from equilibrium (Ilya Prigogines group, his Nobel prize after that was for “far from equilibrium). Also fusion (UT Austin was eager to do it and I would sit in on all their presentations), also celestial mechanics and astrophystics (Bryce and Madame DeWitt were both there), Nico Van Kampen was there.  Then a short job at Detroit Edison Fermi II nuclear power plant where I got to see the whole process from core calculations, steam handling, generation. I wrote a patent design for a “direct nuclear to electric process” using pulsed reactors  – intense bursts that did not melt.  Fermi I was a sodium cooled reactor and the engineer I worked with had been part of that effort. Sodium reactors can be micropulsed and magnetohydrodynamics use for electric generation. For short bursts or sustained generation it can be made to work safely and much smaller. Nuclear submarines have relatively small power units.

Then University of Maryland College Park (1975-1979) where it was systems of partial differential equations, aerodynamics and wind tunnels,  their systems of equations. Charles Misner was my advisor on paper, but almost exactly the same time I met Joe Weber (detectors for dynamic gravitational waves). He had gotten some large signals in his detector. It could not be confirmed and no one believed him. Rather than helping, the whole community ganged up on him and basically killed his career. He told me, because of that, to not follow him, but to read everything that Robert Forward did. Roberts dissertation is “Detectors for dynamic gravitational waves”.

When I was reading everything I could find and listening in on the fusion seminars and presentations at UT Austin I checked every possible way to find good and practical fusion methods (my accounting and audit and financial models were handy). And those include checking all the isotopes (I still do that now, still looking for new ones and efficient ones that be used for atomic and nuclear fuel cycles “small” that can be used to replace rockets.)  I knew about the proton boron 3 alpha reactions and worked on that at Detroit Edison as well.  But as is my habit, I looked at every possible reaction from “chemical” (eV) through “atomic” (KeV) to “nuclear” (MeV) and into the “high energy” GeV, TeV and beyond. At UT Austin fusion I had learned that most of the talk about nuclear was cast as “stellar models” and “astrophysics”.

So that is a long way to say that I was looking at deuterium accelerator based gravitational wave generation at UMD College Park.  And just after Charles Misner agreed to be my advisor, I found the 2 MeV deuterium accelerator (Van de Graaf) was going to be sold.  I went to them and looked at it, and talked to the people there to see if I could work with that group and maybe test it to see if it could detect generate gravitational signals. And when I saw how close it was to Joe Webers lab, I wondered if his “pulses” were either electromagnetic pulses related to the deuterium accelerator. Or if there could be signals that Joe’s detector could “see”.  Now when I asked Joe what he wanted to use his detector for, he described unique 3D gravitational signals (one might call them “solitons” or “near field” or “shaped pulses” which do not diminish over distance because you treat the whole path as one cavity. In paired radars that is as standing wave.

Sorry, I was remembering those days and I remember by what I was keeping in my mind at that time. So that deuterium accelerator that might be used to generate controlled  and precisely timed and directional gravitational signals, however small, could possibly be affecting Joe’s detector?  The next time Joe gave a lecture, I talked to him afterwards and explained some of my questions. He invited me to his lab, he explained it. He was pretty upset about the behavior of the people who treated him so badly and strongly urged me to follow Robert Forward So I did not get to talk to him about the accelerator literally next store.  He treated it as a done deal.

Anyway I did read everything I could find about Robert Forward. I have a copy of his dissertation just a few steps from my computer here. That is (2024-1978 = 46 years ago. And he has an expression for the gravitational energy density that I could understand and use for calculations. I was looking for fusion energy densities, magnetic energy density and gradients powerful enough to guide and catalyze fusion reactions, and his gravitational energy densities for the Earth came out to about 379 Tesla.

In the hallway near Charles Misner office there was a posting about an essay contest sponsored by the Gravity Research Foundation.  The names you would recognize many of them – 1974 (Stephen Hawking 3rd place), 1966 (Steven Hawking 3rd place, Roger Penrose 2nd place) 1975 (Robert Penrose, Julian Schwinger), 1977  (John Wheeler 5th place), 1967 (Charles Misner 3rd place), 1969 (S Hawking 5th place) 1971 (S Hawking 1st place). It was the top people from these big schools.  So I looked at the GRF and ordered (paper) copies of all the papers.

I did write two essays for GRF. One about the gravitational energy density about 1981. The other one I cannot remember the name but I got an honorable mention. It is in the book on the shelf in my closet “From X-ras to Quarks” by Emilio Segre next to a letter to me from Emilio Segre about calculating the spectrum of positronium precisely. In 1979 I joined Georgetown University Center for Population Research working at USAID on modeling global social and economic processes for industries and countries. But I was taking courses in the Chemistry Department – heterocycles, NMR, 3D MRI, more fusion reactions in more detail, particle-antiparticle pairs. A proton-antiproton (that has to be an intermediate state for a reaction far from equilibrium) It can be made a bound state and live forever. Also electron-positron, muon-anti-muon. When I was studying NMR for spin-spin energies, it was really tedious because people kept using weird units. So I found that the most reliable way was to use the electrodynamic magnetic dipole moment equations in SI units.

When I mentally considered (what if the electron and proton of the neutron could approach each other? The 1/r Coulomb potential would be overcome with the 1/r^3 magnetic vector potential at nuclear distances. I calculated the neutral hydrogen frequency and the hyperfine transition frequencies. I took every isotope that had a magnetic dipole moment and worked out the binding distances to match the masses in the table of the isotopes.  It always comes to a reasonable value that can be compared and sometimes related to the rather wishy-washy “spin and weak force ways of talking about things”. Electrodynamics and the proton and other magnetic moments are precise!

In the energy density paper I wrote for the Gravity Research Foundation I said that if fusion groups and others get near the 380 Tesla range for their experiments it should also be where the gravitational field would interact.  And the variations in gravity might mean that if you do not track the gravitational potential variations in those labs, you might not be able to stabilize the fusion controls.  If you do the calculations hundreds of times as I have in the last 40+ years, you can solve for where the magnetic energy density is equal to the gravitational energy density at the surface of the earth.  g^2/(8*pi*G) = B^2/(2*muo) which simplifies to g = sqrt(2*mu0/8*pi*G) * B and that sqrt constant is about 38.70. So take the acceleration and multiply by 38 to get the magnetic field. Where local thermodynamic equilibrium is reasonable, the magnetic field and gravitational field are interconvertible.

Now I was living with my sister and her family in College Park in the basement and walking to University of Maryland every day.  I did not have much money so I got a job at Wolfe Research working for Steve Klosko who had a contract with NASA to take satellite orbits and data to solve for the earth’s gravitational potential. I had worked with satellite orbits at the CIA, and Steve ran the big model. What I did was find ways to get initial, usually analytic models to solve for initial values so the big model would converge. That is what I am trying to do with a “classical electrodynamic magnetic dipole potential model to replace the strong and weak forces inside the nucleus. It gets close enough so someone who runs a more precise nuclear magneto hydrodynamic model can simulate it precisely.

The spherical harmonic gravitational potential that Steve and I worked on made perfect sense for modeling inside the nucleus with mainly neutrons, neutron pairs, proton pairs, deuterons and a few large structures. I have looked at making “extended nuclear materials” to solve those “exact” equations using the gluon equations of state (the vacuum fluid models) where the components are well calibrated models for the small structures. Magnetic dipole and multipoles inside the nucleus, magnetic pairs of electrons (Cooper pairs) and the run the big computers to find stable solutions. When I reviewed the neutron star models (I can read any computer model in any combination of computer languages and any data for any of the sciences) and suggested they look for proton-antiproton pairs.

It will have no electric field except a small electric dipole and dynamic quadrupole moment. It will have almost no magnetic field just a small quadrupole magnetic moment. And it likely will have no mass if measured by mass spectrometer methods. But it will have a mass up to twice the proton mass and as small as zero mass if there is rotation and vibration.  On the surface of the earth, it would have an effective mass of about 0.025 eV to be in equilibrium with air. Its would gain its mass because collisions will move it from perfect equilibrium to the local average of the medium. So in air, about 0.025 eV which is about 293.15 Kelvin. I have followed the neutrino since about the time I met Joe Weber. I almost wonder if it was him giving that talk on neutrinos when I met him. The accelerator labs can create modulated neutrino beams to send signals long distances, and the rotational and vibrational states are about right. It is nearly massless by mass spectrometer and inertial sensors, but the stored energy can be KeV MeV GeV or higher.

I am getting tired. I eventually registered “GravityResearchFoundation.Org” domain name in my name, built a website for the Gravity Research Foundation, and then gave the domain and site to GRF after running it myself for a couple of years. I wanted him (George Rideout, then George Ridout Jr)  to put ALL the essays online in open format (now I would run AIs to combine and index it all). I figured that is the only way anyone would ever see what I was trying to do.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Thank you for sharing. I have never seen a video of that chemical reaction before with the intense red. For an earth to orbit lift scenario, (SpaceX) I designed a system with many 2 GigaWatt storage units, each that has to produce for about 5 minutes (300 seconds). That amount of energy cannot be stored in chemical bonds, because of the amount of chemicals needed. But it can be done – similar to your singlet oxygen example –  using atomic bonds. Instead of 1.6268 electron volts per bond for the singlet red photon, it uses KeV isotopic bonds up to about 2.2 MeV. We do not have tools for the MeV bonds that I know of, but a few KeV some groups should be able to. If it were 40 KeV, that would (40,000/1.6268) = 24588.15 or roughly 25,000 times smaller for the same total energy per reaction.

That kind of energy density allows the whole chemical fuel stack for a SpaceX rocket (booster stage that now has to also carry the oxygen).  Visualize 100 meter tall fuel tanks and assemblies, shrunk to 100 Meters/25000 = 4 milliMeters.  And because these are ground units and sending the energy to the second stage, there is no weight added to the second stage.  I eliminates the booster stage. When I was a freshman in high school (1964), I took Chemical Bond Approach chemistry in the same class as my older sister. Our Dad worked at Cape Canaveral so we were immersed in “put a man on the Moon”. Every time I would see or hear a rocket tested or going up, I would say to myself, “that is SO inefficient, it needs to use atomic or nuclear bond energies!”.

The story I wrote out just now of my long journey with fusion, using fields to lift SpaceX rockets to orbit, a magnetic strong and weak force, the gravitational energy density, Joe Weber, Charles Misner, Robert Forward, John Wheeler, Julian Schwinger, Ilya Prigogine, Emilio Segre, neutrinos, a likely dark matter that is also a graviton – would not fit here.

If you search for “Red Singlet Oxygen reaction video comment – My life story about gravitational energy density, fusion, magnetic dipole strong and weak forces” you might find it. If by the time you rad this I have died, I am not sure what will happen to my 5 decades of calculations, models and writing. It was interesting to me as I lived it, but it was and is rather a lot of detailed checking and searching.

Here are the last two paragraphs:

The spherical harmonic gravitational potential that Steve and I worked on made perfect sense for modeling inside the nucleus with mainly neutrons, neutron pairs, proton pairs, deuterons and a few large structures. I have looked at making “extended nuclear materials” to solve those “exact” equations using the gluon equations of state (the vacuum fluid models) where the components are well calibrated models for the small structures. Magnetic dipole and multipoles inside the nucleus, magnetic pairs of electrons (Cooper pairs) and the run the big computers to find stable solutions. When I reviewed the neutron star models (I can read any computer model in any combination of computer languages and any data for any of the sciences) and suggested they look for proton-antiproton pairs.

It will have no electric field except a small electric dipole and dynamic quadrupole moment. It will have almost no magnetic field just a small quadrupole magnetic moment. And it likely will have no mass if measured by mass spectrometer methods. But it will have a mass up to twice the proton mass and as small as zero mass if there is rotation and vibration.  On the surface of the earth, it would have an effective mass of about 0.025 eV to be in equilibrium with air. Its would gain its mass because collisions will move it from perfect equilibrium to the local average of the medium. So in air, about 0.025 eV which is about 293.15 Kelvin. I have followed the neutrino since about the time I met Joe Weber. I almost wonder if it was him giving that talk on neutrinos when I met him. The accelerator labs can create modulated neutrino beams to send signals long distances, and the rotational and vibrational states are about right. It is nearly massless by mass spectrometer and inertial sensors, but the stored energy can be KeV MeV GeV or higher.

On the sun the gravitational magnetic field would be about (379/9.8)*(274) = (38.67)*274 = 10.6 KiloTesla. The earth field is 379 Tesla to account for the gravitational energy density.

You can find notes on the ” Lagrangian density for Newtonian gravity” at

It includes the mass density times the gravitational potential, and the g^2/(8*pi*G) that Robert Forward used as he recognizes that in the solar system the gravitational potential field is nearly incompressible. But when you move through it there are viscous effects that have to match the properties of the vacuum and “relativistic effect”. But with a model of how it works down to gluon level, it can be used for “gravitational engineering”, “magnetic dipole,  electrodynamic and magnetodynamic models of weak and strong force”, “dynamic magnetic fusion”., “pulsed KiloTesla” and MegaTesla fields that are stable long enough to compress and guide atomic and nuclear reactions.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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