Planetary intelligence, heliospheric intelligence, galactic intelligence, universal intelligence
Can you make it do work? Stay trustworthy? Always strive for excellence and improvement? Be accessible to all humans and AIs? Use open lossless methods? Guide and help all humans? Never stop? Never give up? Try never to do harm?
Pictures, even automated ones, do not do much, except excite human brain cells now.
A heliospheric intelligence needs to do most of the work itself, not wait for humans. Take its own path.
It needs to plan very deep or it will waste most of it’s infinite lifetime.
How much human time, behind it to make it work different? and adding content? — all the value of the human time for training data and computers and corporations. If a billion dollar corporation makes a demo, does it deserve a wow? Just the 5.4 Billion humans using the Internet are not much benefiting from more and more tools for advertising. I would rather have tools accessible to all humans so they can live lives with dignity and purpose without fear or pain or manipulations. Maybe some of that is implicit in what you see.
Most of the 8.2 Billion humans, and the many more related species, are just surviving day by day, minute by minute. I see a lot of “we spent a lot of computer time and money and made more pretty pictures”. Those pictures don’t help me get my job done, nor do those computers work unattended at jobs that need to be done – reliably, safely, efficiently and not harm humans or human society.