Category: Electrokinetic Electrodynamic Field Methods

Flyment: Global air transportation industry and alternatives

Flyment: How Qatar Airways Secretly wanted to Circumvent landing rights to Dominate the Market at Flyment, You outlined some of the mistakes they made, and probably other airlines make. But you did not research solutions and pathways for the global industry. Much of air flight is unnecessary, and stems from too many airline investors chasing
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AllistairC123 on arc cutting and welding thick metal parts – Switch to AI robotic assist for more efficient cuts and processes

AllistairC123: 1000 tons Vs 100 mm 4 inch steel plate .. mega metal welding repair at AllistairC123, I made note of your many comments about the loud sounds, the heat, the time it takes. I will see if I can find you some AI robotic assist. The part you, the human, bring to this is
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Twitter: Structure Spectrum Relationships, Internet browsing time is costly to society, with billions of readers.

Physical Review Materials @PhysRevMater  Decoding structure-spectrum relationships with physically organized latent spaces: Replying to @PhysRevMater I will add “structure spectrum relationships” to my list of “color from shape”, “cavity resonances”, “impulse response”, “3D wavefunction”, “3D FFT”, “3D gratings”, “reflectance and absorption spectrum” notes for the Internet.   Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation  Physical
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Scott Manley: Artificial gravity, 3D time dependent acoustic and electromagnetic acceleration and excitation fields

Scott Manley: Can The Human Body Handle Rotating Artificial Gravity? at Scott Manley, One of the offshoots of the very fast development of 3D acoustic and electromagnetic imaging and levitation research, is that it is now possible to measure and control fields sufficient to create 3D fields of forces, that match precisely the impulse response
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See the Pattern: Casimir forces, measurng and calculating 3D fields efficiently, Gravitational energy density and engineering

See the Pattern: Casimir Effect – What causes this force? at See the Pattern, To represent 3D fields, it is relatively easy to find many orthogonal representations. For atoms and molecules the groups often start from the Schrodinger equation, or the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. It is also possible to use 3D Fourier and wavelets. There
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Large airplanes can go global, electromagnetic and look ahead

The Unreal in Reality: Top 5 Largest Planes Ever Built In The World! at Thanks, I was looking to see what the limits might be. I was looking at SpaceX (and competitors) who might want to offer global point to point freight and human cargo. As I watched your list, I was thinking that any
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Note to Angstrom Engineering about Magnetron sputtering for space propulsion and applications

Magnetron Sputtering, E-Beam Evaporation, Thermal Evaporation, Ion Beam Processing at I was encouraging groups to tackle improving the chemical only propulsion used in things like SpaceX Starship and related earth to orbit systems. Their specific impulse is limited because they do not understand how to generate ion electron and plasma flows with high specific energy.
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Earth to orbit and hypersonic point to point, rocket propulsion optimization has orders of magnitude potential

Vidduley: Electrodeless Ring Discharge History (since 1884!) at Wade Cooper, Don’t just focus on the electromagnetic fields, but spend as much time on acoustics. The ions carry a lot of the mass and energy. USE SI units (Pascal and Kelvin) most of the literature will use those units and you will waste a lot of
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Earthquake early warning for mitigation and energy harvesting, atomic scale computing

Signal Decomposition and Feature Extraction Techniques: Application to Seismic Mitigation of Vibration-sensitive Eq Shieh-Kung Huang, This is very informative. I will only suggest a few things.   Vibration isolation is now needed for buildings, as an integral part of energy harvesting, to allow orders of magnitude improvement in seismometers and gravimeters, and for gravitational wave
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Note to NIST about gold Au typos The Thermal Expansion of Pure Metals

Hello, I was looking at The Thermal Expansion of Pure Metals: Copper, Gold, Aluminum, Nickel, and Iron at It has a spreadsheet.  In the “Au data” sheet There is a temperature 38136.  I think that ought to be 381.36. The value for 157 centigrade, 37.3417?  Should it be 0.00373417? The value at 34.6 centigrade,
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