Knots threads bundles fibers fabrics and useful experience to train your mind for hard problems

Please tell her that in physics knots, fiber bundles, threads, ropes and strings are growing in popularity. The reason is there are many phenomena at the quantum, plasmonic, and nuclear levels where the behavior and properties are best remembered and described using concepts from sewing and fabrics, and working with knots and fibers. Bundles of magnetic vortices on the sun become twisted around each other and the tension and energy builds until those flares much larger than the earth occur and huge coronal mass ejections. Someone who “knows” knots and thread behavior is ahead of those who rely on just symbol manipulation in math or memorization. You can have the computer help with the math and calculations. What is more important is distilling the images and data into understandable behavior that can be predicted. On the earth, knowing the behavior means new innovations in plasma, fusion reactors, atomic and nuclear powered rockets. Or at a nanosecond level — behaviors of fields that make matter, magnetic forces and fields that can simulate exactly gravitational forces. No matter her age those kinds of ideas and careers and lifelong passions are accessible now. If her mind strives deep into complexity and patterns, that might be a fun thing to do. It is not hard, just tedious. And if she can knit, crochet, embroidery and make lace, those are things that last.

My Mom had 4 sisters but no brothers, so I learn embroidery, sewing and mending long before baseball and such. Luckily my Dad was literally a Jack of all trades and we learned how to make or fix or adapt “anything”.

Don’t forget “string theory” it mostly failed because they did not start with practical use of subnuclear strings and caustics, but tried to “do it all with mathematics that makes a person look good at the blackboard”., rather than trying to master and use a skill. I have a concept I call “extendend atomic and nuclear materials and fuels” where e the bond strengths are thousands of electron volts (KeV) or millions of electron volts (MeV). The “chemical” bonds are usually a few electron volts. So these atomic and nuclear materials will have properties 1000 or 1 million times. And atomic battery that hold 1000 times a normal battery. Or million. In convenient forms. If wires that hold 1000 times the strongest fibers now. Not simple “nano tubes” but rextended many bonded wires, threads, ropes, fibers, sheets, fabrics abd structures. It is not impossible, just tedious. I have worked on some problems like these continuously for 60 years. Something comes up, you add a piece to the puzzles, sometime you have to unravel things and start a sections over. With 100 years now for life, plan decade ahead. and use it all as best you can.

A string is just one of many soliton solutions of the non-linear wave equation for the vacuum.  A sting can connect two things very far apart and the speed is governed by the sub nuclear magnetic forces (strong forces) not by atomic electrons. Strings can be woven into knots that can be locked into permanent structure — with nuclear and strong atomic forces and bond energies.

Macroscopic string theory

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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