Spinal Cord Injury in Bangladesh – Connecting all people in the world related to “spinal cord injury”

“spinal cord injury” has 18 Million entry points (15 Oct 2021, Google) Can you make a short video? Put it on YouTube and add Patreon? That would reach the largest audience globally, and it is fairly stable. You can make videos about the issue in Bangladesh and globally, about the impact on the family. Tell
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Self reproducing robot societies that live in the desert and convert sunlight to cities

I have had deserts on my mind a lot over the last few decades.  All during the 1980’s I worked on populations forecasts and issues in Africa, then the Famine Early Warning Systems (FEWS.net), then global climate change.  I sort of keep up with any efforts to turn those vast areas into something more suitable
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Comment on I3C MIPI presentation – Complete systems for devepment, intelligent nodes, local function, global communication

2021 MIPI DevCon Demo: Silvaco at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4eSrVKN–M Add links to resources in the video description. Including links to the authors and groups. The more comments and discussion, the more views are likely. Make these YouTube nodes living parts of your global efforts on I3C and MIPI. Not just things stuck on the Internet. Make evaluation
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Machine vision and Industries – ZWO group on Facebook about microscopes and noise imaging

David, The lens is usually a fisheye or other lens with 1X magnification. You have to add it to a microscope meant for a human eyeball. A decent microscope is expensive and odd shaped for humans, so it does not fit in an industrial or lab or security environment. What I want is a 10x
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Comment on “Ion Engine 2.0” – many people interested, and posting things, but not working together globally

Ion Engine 2.0 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSt1-JsDyGs (“electric wind” OR “ionic wind”) has 574,000 entry points (Google, 9 Oct 2021) (“electric wind” OR “ionic wind”) site:arxiv.org has 310 entry points (“electric wind” OR “ionic wind”) site:youtube.com has 141,000 entry points And they are not all working together globally. Richard Collins, Director, The Internet Foundation

Comment on “Floating under a levitating liquid” and related issues

Floating under a levitating liquid at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bodsuTucSxQ and https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2643-8 (for pay, just for reference) This is not science and sharing, but what I have come to call “eye candy”. Pretty pictures and people playing with phenomena, but not showing the context and background. You start with showing the whole of the apparatus, explain the parts,
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Comment on Video Demonstrating Convection, and approaches to understanding and visualizing

How to demonstrate convection at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8PoCwx2de0 The simple materials are good, but you, yourself, did not explain what you were expecting, where the students and demonstrators were supposed to focus their attention. You said (don’t use purple shirt) and for this short video, why did you not go change your shirt and record it again? Or,
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Generating synthetic gravitational fields

Teri, I was doing a quick study on “color from structure” and related concepts.  The colors of butterfly wings are often not pigments in the traditional sense, but emergent colors because of the shapes of the molecules. What clicked in my mind is that the sub wavelength structures (the structures that produce the rather large
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