Comment on the solar “Streamer Belt”, NASA, MHD Simulations, MHDWeb in mostly inaccessible forms

“Global MHD Simulations of the Time-Dependent Corona” at Robert, I am reading “Global MHD Simulations of the Time-Dependent Corona” that you, Roberto Lionello, and Viacheslav Titov wrote. The links you have at the top “NASA Grant NNX14AH71G” and “Streamer Belt” go to a ResearchGate page that says projects are no longer supported. I managed
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Comment to Dean Pesnell, Solar Dynamics Observatory about open lossless accessible data for global comparisons

Subject: Exactly how are the 4096_211193171 images made from AIA 211 193 and 171? 48 hour movies Dean, I am looking at these blended images, and they are helpful  But I would like to be sure I know exactly what goes into them and also be able to change the composition. I asked
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Richard Answers a question about zero gravitational acceleration, nanogravity, synthetic acceleration fields

Is there any space with zero gravity in the Universe? by Chinnaraji Annamalai, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Richard: The gravitational potential fills all of space. The earth, sun, moon, planets all have their own potential that adds to this. The total potential from all masses in the universe adds to roughly c^2 =
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Richard Chats with Google Bard about Global Open Collaborative Worksites, Chest X-rays, and Google Methods

Setting up Global Validation Networks for Machine assisted Medical Diagnoses and “AI” Algorithms Victor Ikechukwu Agughasi at Maharaja Institute of Technology What makes a Computer Science Ph.D. thesis stand out? Not yet answered Asked 2 days ago I just completed a draft copy of my thesis, but I still do not feel that it
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YouTube videos: Text to Image, 168 hour work week, Synchrotron Latin and South America

Two Minute Papers: NVIDIA’s New AI: Text To Image Supercharged! at Your examples are all misleading, when you show only a portion of the input images. Your two minutes went to 6:36. Not to be too cynical, but your examples are a bit “click baity”. In some jobs, this might be useful. But training for
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Twitter: Beginners Guide to the sun, Internet Access

Dr. Ryan French @RyanJFrench If you’re interested in a deeper dive into solar flares (more than a twitter thread could provide), my new book is out now in the UK & Europe, and available to preorder everywhere else ☀️ Replying to @RyanJFrench In the US, the book will not be available to order until
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Richard Chats with GPT 4.0 about gravity, Internet Foundation policies, projects

Richard: Jifemenko, Biot-Savart, Forward, Newtonian gravitational signals, time of flight forces and signals, Famine I measured the speed of gravity and found that it was the potential itself that was diffusing, not the force or acceleration. The potential at the earth is already there but it receives updates from the other bodies in the solar
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Anastasia Golubtsova – quark gluon plasma and gravitational energy density

Canadian Quantum Research Center: Probes of holographic models of 𝑁 = 4 SYM quark-gluon plasma on𝑅 × 𝑆3 by Anastasia Golubtsova Probes of Holographic Models of N=4 SYM Quark Gluon Plasma on RxS3 Probing the holographic model of N=4 SYM rotating quark-gluon plasma at Anastasia Golubtsova, You really had a lot more to
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