Comment on a video about making your own butter, is it cost effective in the United States?

Stop buying butter! Do it yourself! Only 1 ingredient needed at In the United States I think heavy cream with 35% butter fat costs more than butter. And your method requires a mixer, blender, bowls and utensils. So ordinary, non chef, humans might be better to just buy butter when it is on sale.
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Finding good things to do on the Internet – classic problems with ALL Internet efforts now

Thorsten. I noticed you were following me, so I looked to see what you are doing.  Your activities on the Internet are scattered and use too many styles.  Do you have something you want to do?  I read some of your papers, projects and websites. They are kind of all over the place.  Have you looked deep to see
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Comment on the true cost of electric vehicles – wasted time by not sharing models and data

Tesla vs Gas: TRUE Charging Cost After 75,000 Miles at 75,000 miles/28 miles per gallon equivalent = 2,679 gallon gas equivalent 2679 gge * (33.7 KWH/gge) = 90,282 KWH at 100% efficiency 90,283/0.92 efficiency = 98133 KWH purchased 98133 KWH * 0.0798 $/KWH = $6948 But he says $1400. His miles per gallon seems
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Comment on Hubble vs Amateur Astrophotography

Hubble vs. Amateur Astrophotographer (27 Aug 2021) at I had to look a bit, but eventually found a description of the camera and exposure for that original image of “Pillars of Creation” at with more detail at then some images at Like usual, Hubble media people dominate sharing on their site,
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Comment on new directions in Ethnography

Last decade in enthnographic research? You might want to search these topic areas, where there is very rapid growth: “ethnography” “quantitative” “models” has 3.2 Million entry points (Google, 24 Oct 2021)   “quantitative ethnography” with 12,000 entry points   “ethnography” “social media” with 6.68 Million entry points   “ethnography” (“simulations” OR “simulation”) with 7.9 Million
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Comment on Nature video seen by more than 14 Million viewers, but no follow up or community building

Have you ever seen an atom? at Many people have viewed this video, but you are not keeping it up to date. It is 23 Oct 2021 and it shows 14,208,628 views. The video is 151 seconds. If everyone watched the whole thing, that is over 68 years of viewing. The value of human time
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Comment on Telescope prices and sharing

What YOU Can SEE Through a $1 Billion, $32,000 and an $800 Telescope! There are many countries with LOTS of people where $800 is more than the median annual income. And many more countries and many more people where $800 is more than monthly income. So here you are, posting a video that could
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Interesting Green Wall Video of Volunteers from many countries – Can you see the Green Walls from space yet?

Great Green Wall – Africa For Africa at I wonder if you can see the Green Walls of Africa or China from space yet? If it is visible in the AVHRR or other satellites, and if it is already changing weather patterns, wind, moisture and dust? When I asked that of Google, I got back
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Jimmy Wales thanked me for my donation to support the current Wikipedia. Here is what I wrote back

Jimmy, I would like to make some specific recommendation for upgrading wikipedia to be more useful globally. But I doubt your organization is set up so that a “reply to a message from the founder” ever gets read and treated seriously. My time and skills are far more valuable than any money donation. But only
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Comments and Suggestions for Ancestry DNA

Jeanin, Thank you so much for you patience and persistence in solving that immediate problem with the mixed up name, email addresses, and ancestry names. You fixed my invitations, and I hope your clear analysis and description will help the programmers to improve things for everyone. My suggestion is (1) add a column for the
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