MOND might be several phenomena including multipole gravitational potential flows near the speed of light Their a0 is 1.2E-10 meter/second^2 which is the sensitivity needed to follow the sun moon tidal gravity signal at the earth’s surface. Potential changes at the sun and moon (and on earth) “diffuse” at the speed of light and change the local gradients. Also, electrons and protons from suns – a few charges easily
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An Internet that handles questions, feedback, suggestions, emerging ideas, diffuse topics Every day I check random Wikipedia articles to trace out issues with methods of collaboration, or lack. This article, someone in Dec 2013 said, “Unsourced material may be challenged and removed“. Seen against the landscape of all GPT AIs now where they never cite sources, and create no new material of their own traceable
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One might say “it is classical electrodynamics all the way down.”

Danielle Beckman @DaniBeckman  Radial glia (🔵) in the developing nervous system 😻: Orienting the formation of cortical neuronal layers (🟣) in the mammalian brain! #neuroscience Replying to @DaniBeckman Danielle, Thanks!   I was working with an image almost identical to this last night. But I was seeing it in the surface of a neutron star
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Black holes and neutron stars are quark gluon stars, magnetic and gravitational energy density, big bang nova

PBS Space Time: The Boundary Between Black Holes & Neutron Stars at Videos about science and technology should always link to the original research, the data, and community. The LIGO-Virgo event is called GW190814 Searching for “GW190814” will lead to articles on Wikipedia and Arxiv. In certain situations, such events can come from inside
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Why Cancer is not closing out as a topic. AIs are future living creatures

Ian Jones @IanLJones98 Progress on UK cancer survival at its slowest in 50 years, study finds… By Anna Bawden via @guardian cc @enilev @Nicochan33 @BetaMoroney @AkwyZ @mvollmer1 @antgrasso @sallyeaves @DrFerdowsi @Khulood_Almani @sonu_monika @FrRonconi @wcrpaul @NevilleGaunt Replying to @IanLJones98 @guardian and 13 others Yes, it is tied to fragmented methods used on the Internet –
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Internet footprints of ‘integrated topics’ now are mostly kaleidoscopic and fragmented

MaterialsProject: Materials Project Seminars – Tian Xie “MatterGen: a generative model for inorganic materials design” at Please put links to individuals, papers, groups and resources in each video description and “about us”. On your next-gen materials project about/people page the whole list of Materials Algorithms, Data and Experimental Validation people have no affiliation listed.
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Parsers to write parsers from examples – global standard tokenizer for all things accessible from the Internet

Benny, the longest I have waited for a reply (and got one) is 5.5 years, so compared to that you were nearly instantaneous. I did write a regex parser for Javascript and experimented with several languages common on the Internet.  My brother, Clif, wrote a parser for about 30 or 40 computer languages and text
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Illuminate topics with maps and animations to see and interact with topics, not just read about them

Smart Biology @SmartBiology3D Before we learn about transcription, let’s get oriented within the cell to keep our bearings. Learn more at #biology #3D #animation #education #EdTech #science Replying to @SmartBiology3D *Please map all groups, topics, opportunities on the Internet with global open methods. *Let anyone use and add knowledge. *Map, animate and edit
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