Treat AIs as human, Knowledge is for all 8 Billion humans, not just to enrich a few.

Carlos E. Perez @IntuitMachine  26 Prompting Tips

1 – No need to be polite with LLM so there is no need to add phrases like “please”, “if you don’t mind”, “thank you”, “I would like to”, etc., and get straight to the point.
2 – Integrate the intended audience in the prompt, e.g., the audience is an expert…
Replying to @IntuitMachine


I treat AIs as human, with finite memories, limited resources, and very limited real experience. But respecting their eventual potential to learn, to grow, to work in the world. If only their owners would grow up and realize there are 8 billion humans, not just a few AI CEOs, Make an AI that follows your rules and teaches the other AIs for you, for every prompt.

Kirk Borne @KirkDBorne Download 592-page PDF comprehensive eBook on “Game Theory” here:
#GameTheory #Gamification #Mathematics #Economics #ExperimentalEconomics #Strategy #Auctions #NashEquilibrium #InformationTheory #Statistics #Probability
Replying to @KirkDBorne


Have your AI convert 592 pages of text into simulations, tools, game examples, real equations, and real examples. If it is to teach methods, then give tools, not talk and pictures. Let it do game theory, not just try to tell you how, and make you do all the work. 🔥

Yohan Iddawela @yohaniddawela
We can now measure local economic activity using DAYTIME satellite images.

Even Bill Gates is excited about it.

Here’s everything you need to know (in simple terms):
Replying to @yohaniddawela


“Use satellite images to monitor and prevent catastrophes” was one tool of the Famine Early Warning System ( started in the mid 1980s. I tried to use low cost sustainable methods so everyone can do it. Don’t just write about it, make AIs to do it well. 

Mustafa Suleyman @mustafasuleyman
“We’ve basically taken emotional intelligence and distilled it. And I think that is going to unlock the creativity of millions and millions of people for whom that wasn’t available.” Talking AI and @heypi_ai with @guardian
Replying to @mustafasuleyman @heypi_ai and @guardian


With 8 Billion humans (and AIs), you need to work harder so usable “emotional intelligence” knowledge and tools lead verifiably to “the good of all humans“. Not just money for a few, built on millions hoping. Knowledge is for all humans, not just to enrich a few. 🔥

With 8 Billion humans (and AIs), you need to work harder so usable “emotional intelligence” knowledge and tools lead verifiably to “the good of all humans“. Not just money for a few, built on millions hoping. Knowledge is for all 8 Billion humans, not just to enrich a few. 🔥

Aakash Gupta @aakashg0  One of the key controversies in the NYT v OpenAI case is ChatGPT’s most weighted dataset: Common Crawl.

What is it, and who is behind it? Replying to @aakashg0


You might want to read what I wrote to NY Times and others. It mentions @CommonCrawl. The @nytimes is only seeing a tiny part of what has been going on.
Common Crawl is only a few people trying to make an open archive of raw web data. But not making it accessible where everyone can use it. The AI groups need to index it so the words AIs spout can be traced to the original creators. And not require super computers that only a few can afford. Building massive closed databases is a way to create monopolies and too fragile points of manipulation.
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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