Comment on Nature video seen by more than 14 Million viewers, but no follow up or community building

Have you ever seen an atom? at Many people have viewed this video, but you are not keeping it up to date. It is 23 Oct 2021 and it shows 14,208,628 views. The video is 151 seconds. If everyone watched the whole thing, that is over 68 years of viewing. The value of human time
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Comment on Telescope prices and sharing

What YOU Can SEE Through a $1 Billion, $32,000 and an $800 Telescope! There are many countries with LOTS of people where $800 is more than the median annual income. And many more countries and many more people where $800 is more than monthly income. So here you are, posting a video that could
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Interesting Green Wall Video of Volunteers from many countries – Can you see the Green Walls from space yet?

Great Green Wall – Africa For Africa at I wonder if you can see the Green Walls of Africa or China from space yet? If it is visible in the AVHRR or other satellites, and if it is already changing weather patterns, wind, moisture and dust? When I asked that of Google, I got back
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Jimmy Wales thanked me for my donation to support the current Wikipedia. Here is what I wrote back

Jimmy, I would like to make some specific recommendation for upgrading wikipedia to be more useful globally. But I doubt your organization is set up so that a “reply to a message from the founder” ever gets read and treated seriously. My time and skills are far more valuable than any money donation. But only
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Comments and Suggestions for Ancestry DNA

Jeanin, Thank you so much for you patience and persistence in solving that immediate problem with the mixed up name, email addresses, and ancestry names. You fixed my invitations, and I hope your clear analysis and description will help the programmers to improve things for everyone. My suggestion is (1) add a column for the
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Spinal Cord Injury in Bangladesh – Connecting all people in the world related to “spinal cord injury”

“spinal cord injury” has 18 Million entry points (15 Oct 2021, Google) Can you make a short video? Put it on YouTube and add Patreon? That would reach the largest audience globally, and it is fairly stable. You can make videos about the issue in Bangladesh and globally, about the impact on the family. Tell
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Self reproducing robot societies that live in the desert and convert sunlight to cities

I have had deserts on my mind a lot over the last few decades.  All during the 1980’s I worked on populations forecasts and issues in Africa, then the Famine Early Warning Systems (, then global climate change.  I sort of keep up with any efforts to turn those vast areas into something more suitable
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Comment on I3C MIPI presentation – Complete systems for devepment, intelligent nodes, local function, global communication

2021 MIPI DevCon Demo: Silvaco at–M Add links to resources in the video description. Including links to the authors and groups. The more comments and discussion, the more views are likely. Make these YouTube nodes living parts of your global efforts on I3C and MIPI. Not just things stuck on the Internet. Make evaluation
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