Fusion, Gravitational Energy Density, Space, Magnetic loops and energy storage – Facebook

Facebook about braided loops and woven structures.  Steve Mould “How Elastic Knots Really Work” Everything you are doing with closed wire loops also works for closed magnetic circuits. What flows is not stress (wires and solids), but electrons (conductors) and Webers (units of magnetic flux). The intensities are (Newtons/Meter^2*second) (Coulombs/Meter^2*Second) (Webers/Meter^2*Second) A Weber/Meter^2 is a
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A billion cuts each with a thousand interpretations dumped on the Internet.

Art Berman @aeberman12 “Job cutting among German blue-chips has risen to the highest level since the financial crisis.” –Ulrich Sittard, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer https://ft.com/content/b8dd41dc-4fd9-4673-8b07-6af70e7f4213… #economy #EconomyNews #EconomyMonetary #inflation #OOTT #fintwit https://pic.x.com/nvjfa0lv01 Replying to @aeberman12 A billion cuts, each with a thousand interpretations dumped on the Internet. It is not a financial crisis, it is a
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The Internet can be indexed losslessly so that issues, opportunities and knowledge are clear and accessible to all

Danielle Fong @DanielleFong this is basically correct and is one of the main facts shaping the world today. most people, because they do not try to get big things done, have no idea. but if you travel to any rapidly developing country, you will gain perspective. things are being kept from happening – ELON DOCS
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“AI” is still an ad word, not a real effort to solve the world’s problems once and for all

MatthewBerman @MatthewBerman  Reflection 70b just dropped and is beating every other model, including GPT4o and Claude 3.5. How did this happen? Here’s my conversation with Matt Shumer (@mattshumer_) and Sahil Chaudhary (@csahil28), the authors of Reflection 70b. https://pic.x.com/lfskkfycpd Replying to @MatthewBerman @mattshumer_ and @csahil28 “AI” is still an ad word, not a real effort to
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World Bank, UN, USA, .cn and the world can combine their information to map (Myanmar OR Burma) deeply

World Bank, UN, USA, .cn and the world can combine their information to map (Myanmar OR Burma) deeply @WorldBank I am looking at your Country Partnership Framework for countries which leads to pages like   https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/110961589818564510/pdf/Myanmar-Country-Partnership-Framework-for-the-Period-of-FY20-FY23.pdf   On those pages the “Official PDF” download link is still coded as HTTP (not secure) and Chrome browser
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OpenAI is still selling a pull string doll – where an adult, serious, global, verifiable system is required

Haider. @slow_developer  OpenAI Co-founder Andrej Karpathy predicts transformers may soon surpass the human brain in capabilities “Transformers have the potential to surpass the human brain in efficiency and memorization capabilities, despite current limitations in data availability and training. As AI https://pic.x.com/wc0gls0xy3 Replying to @slow_developer OpenAI is still selling a pull string toy – where an
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We were optimistic about the future, we could do most anything, is why we had large families

What Actually Caused the Baby Boom?… It Wasn’t (really) WWII at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts1ZFHA4cCw I came from a large family and was born a few years after WW II.  I would say that movies, advertising to “have the good life”, consumption, television had a lot to do with it. “Cheaper by the dozen” and washing machines, microwaves
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Einstein, Dark Energy, Expansion, Digital Twin Models of the Universe and all real things

Turtles all the Way Down: What is Dark Energy? at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0lddIKoxYg My Comment: There are many processes, nuclear energy creation in stars foremost, that spread things out. Once gravitation and binding bring things together and nuclear fusion is possible, the nuclear energy created is much greater than gravitational energy. Our sun streams neutrinos, light, heat,
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KeV and MeV bond reactions with practical applications – atomic fuels, and extended nuclear materials

Ideal Weapon: Can Hafnium Bombs Replace Nuclear Bombs? at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHPzQrJ8D7M Suggest you use NuDat3 at BNL to see all the isotopes that can be used. You also need all the magnetic moments, which I think they will be adding. Most of the radioactive isotopes can be used for their reactions. Not just stable ones if
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