Performance based accounting works pretty well if you do it completely and never forget anything

owl @owl_poster  Things I learned talking to the new breed of scientific institution

A deep dive on the vibes of scientific institutions I’ve been curious about.  9 weeks in the making

4.1k words, 19 minutes reading time

Replying to @owl_poster

I found this interesting. This kind of analysis is what I have been doing every day for the last 26 years. But for countries, cities, global topic networks, large and small social media groups, corporations, industries – the whole Internet.

If you look through a microscope at parts of any cell, it is fascinating, but seldom leads to understanding the set of all organisms that have cells of that type, over billions of years.
These are not “new breeds”. These kinds of behaviors are common. Herds do it, cell colonies do it, molecules do it. Over all human knowledge, certainly on the Internet, it is grossly inefficient. Funding agencies, incubators, crowd funding, education innovation, commercialization, universities in the large, governments in the large. Foundations in the large.
NSF does not set policies (and enforce them effectively) for sharing the results of the projects they fund. Same DARPA, federal agencies. The main failure is the way memories are stored, shared, combined, and actively used.
I cannot easily summarize decades of sorting out priorities of large groups up to “all humans”. The groups using ( gov, org, net, com and myriad more ) pick hot topics out of the media mostly. Fund the hot topics, show the hot topics, look for others doing hot topics. But there is no feedback, accumulation of knowledge, testing and verification, audit, reporting. A group will spend trillions of dollars, and not be able to show what it did, or what it could have done, or even who did what.

Look at the portfolios of the US government, or the UN, or any country or set of countries. The activities on all humans on any topic. Using the whole of what is on the Internet, written or implied.

Recent days I am looking closely at “fusion”, “optogenetics”, “forests”, “food” to see how those topics are evolving. It is possible to map anything now and to verify groups like funding agencies, even individuals working in such systems.

Hope you will lay out who you are, and what you plan to do.
Filed as (Performance based accounting works pretty well if you do it completely and never forget anything)
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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