Category: Collaborative Model and Data

Comment on Small and Large Gaps Between the Primes All this wonderful insight and technique, and most is lost because he does not store anything in the computer in a form that can be readily verified and improved upon. Yes, you can use symbolic math tools, rather than chalk. Human memory has carried us so far, but more people will benefit from communicating
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Note about why I built Sculptor.Org

J, I talked to my sister, T, yesterday. She is one who has painted all her life. Maybe she will have time and space to do it again. For ten years, about 20 hours a week, back from about 1993 to 2003, I ran a website for sculptors. At the end it had 50,000 unique
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Comment on photo of M 13 I am looking at Aladin for M 13 and cannot match those pictures to yours. Can you point to and name some of the nearby stars? Which way is “up” What is the field of view (right and left RA and Dec would help   When I magnify your image, it has
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Comment on How much weight can you remove from your car? I would like to see the bare minimum weight by taking everything. That weight in every car is costing fuel and global warming. Think how many cars are for one person. Need more people? — uber it or share. I drove for years with no one else in the car, carrying all that extra
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Explaining to MathWorks about Infinite Levels of Knowledge and Hover

Jordan, Image Acquisition Toolbox: Your online, and now the attached price list, is not appropriate for “Home” users. Today someone fixed the website issue where the license information was not accessible.  I could not open my account information. Now, when I look at my account information, “Manage Products”, it has  “But Add-Ons” as a working
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Comment on Geomagnetically Induced Current Data Alaa Mohamed, Today I was just reviewing “global conductivity models” and “geomagnetically induced currents” for the Internet Foundation. The common practice seems to be to use 1D and 3D conductivity models, then use the fairly dense magnetotelluric (MT) arrays for the changing magnetic fields that induce the changes. There are LOTS of electromagnetic datasets.
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Comment on Fusion Rockets Video Neutrons have a permanent magnetic moment and can be accelerated (controlled) by magnetic gradient fields. This included dynamic gradients of many sorts. And nanoscale fields. search “neutron acceleration” and “neutron deceleration” to see people have not ignored the need to control and use neutrons. There are a thousand times that many people working on
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Compressible Euler equations for the vacuum, comments and suggestions Large solutions for compressible Euler equations Geng Chen, “compressible Euler equations” shows up on the Internet 109,000 places.  There are hundreds of variations of that term and related models.  I try to find and classify and organize everything on the Internet. “euler” “compressible” “vacuum” “gravitational” has 134,000 entry points “euler” “physical vacuum” has
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Archiving and Sharing lossless sky data for all the people on earth

Dominic, I spoke to Chuck Allen, vice president of the Astronomical League, yesterday — “The Astronomical League is composed of over two hundred and forty (280 now) local amateur astronomical societies from all across the United States.” (pretty thin description) We talked almost an hour about the growth of Internet sharing (I
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Thank you to Jonathan at Bangor University for Reference Image

The Grid: Jonanthan, Bangor University: Jonathan, Thank you. I was working on a simple camera calibration and needed a good target. Your random colored grid made a great clear image. Correcting the camera colors, positions and intensities is much easier with a quantitative reference. The only suggestion I have is to also have the Javascript
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