Strong force, stable magnetic fusion, Mr Fusion, replace SpaceX Booster with it magnetic equivalent.

The Action Lab: What does the Strong Nuclear Force Look Like? at

The Action Lab,

Now take a beam of protons, grab them by their magnetic moment and spin them. Use the Block equations, or make new ones. Take another beam of protons or tritium or any of the “good fusion” candidates, they all have magnetic moments, and spin them. The timing can be exquisitely precise. Collide the beams at yet another magic angle, and use your machine learning to count and optimize. You know precisely what minimum distance and energy to aim for. They will fuse. It is not “natural” fusion, but you found “stable spinning magnet fusion”, so try it.

Smash heavy ions, grab the fragments, use the unstable intermediates with magnetic moments. You can move the neutrons around, they have magnetic moment. They can be herded and captured and stored with magnetic gradient forces, magnetic pressure gradient forces. You should be able to use grad(B) and grad(B^2/2 mu0) both. The pressure gradient forces allow for boosting the force using external magnetic fields. Combinations of magnetic sources work, because of linear superposition.

Your discovery (you in a broad sense) of stable magnetic coupling, will allow many things. You have closed form analytic models and precise calculations to work from. Nothing is hidden or mysterious. Just plain old magnetic engineering.

Lasers with high harmonic generation can create femtosecond magnetic fields above 100 Tesla. You should quickly find the conditions for “KiloTesla” and “MegaTesla” fields. The people who are straining to find new GigaElectronVolt stable particles that only live a short time, can look for magnetically stable configurations, complex soliton solutions of the nonlinear Schrodinger and similar representations of the vacuum states, and solve them. Knowing what you want to do saves a LOT of time and effort. If you know what to aim for, you can hit the target.

Fusion “strong force” has very narrow geometric and timing constraints. Do your “Mr Fusion” on the desktop and get a few bound pairs, Model where they go and what happens to them. If you use MRI tomographic methods, use MULTIPLE orthogonal or independent magnetic field sources to use parametric representations of stable fields. Do not try to use a single magnetic field because that is all you can afford. You can do it, but do not neglect the power and simplicity of array methods to create the precisely timed fields you want.

Put the whole model, not in text formats and paper formats that only humans with background and magic words can unravel. Put the programs on host supercomputers and GPUs so that anyone can work on it. Be fair to all countries. Be fair to all groups.

If you want to use pulsed magnetic soliton fields to send beams of force or beams of energy, try an open model to replace the first stage of the SpaceX rocket. Design an open “magnetic beam Booster stage” to lift the Starship to orbit.

See if the SpinLaunch power supply could be used to power beam acceleration of small projectiles, with optimal Lidar monitored Reynolds hypervelocity acceleration through the atmosphere. Make it an “global open collaborative worksite” so many can contribute ideas and share in the rewards. Or find other “complex” problems where AIs can be trained to handle small tasks reliably, including symbolic math and precise simulations, and things like “project management” and “continuous improvement” and “fairness”. Those are simple tasks too.

I had to simplify the descriptions to fit in this little box. But the core memes are pretty close. There are a LOT of individuals and groups working on all aspects of these problems, but they are not openly and globally collaborating, so no one wins.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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