Every star contributes to expansion, every black hole region contains many bodies, the big bang was a small and ordinary event

Anton Petrov: Whole Universe May Be Evaporating According To New Study at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEAKbL04bxQ

Anton Petrov, I think you ought to focus on the life of any star. The matter concentrates into stars, reaches critical density to ignite nuclear reactions, and then, for the rest of the stars life, it will be radiating neutrinos, photons, electrons, protons and matter. The ordinary matter is mostly chemical bond energies less than 20 electron volts per bond. The pressures in the sun (and temporarily in lightning and magnetic reconnection events) force particles into “nuclear bonds” (KeV and MeV and GeV)

So the “inflation” is more the complex but natural process of stars giving off light, mass and energy, after they begin to fuse ordinary atoms into nuclear ones.

That Hawking radiation is more complex than you describe, and much simpler. The “black holes”, particularly the larger ones are likely to NOT be singularities, but rather contain many unconsolidated bodies. The “black” is simply where the mass density is enough to trap light. But it does not trap gravity. If you look at the orbits of the stars around central black hole regions (and there will be many invisible black holes, brown dwarfs, white dwarfs and gaseous planets and ordinary planets swept in) those orbits are not usually colliding, rather just following ordinary, if seemly complex orbits. So now go inside the black hole region with your mind and look. See that the orbits can continue. Black holes can merge inside the central black hole region. And when they do they will give off gravitational shock waves.

The “big bang region” is probably “black” or was at the time of the event we call the big bang. I do not think all the stuff from the big bang came from a mathematical singularity. I think it was a fairly “small” event that threw out chunks of high density material to seed those early complex galaxies that James Webb is seeing.

To be complete, I think that the actual event was a type of “gluon condensation nova” where the quark gluon regions of some central high density “black hole region” reached the point they condensed from gluon (gas, plasma) into solid or lattice gluon solid, giving off a lot of energy. Until the gravitational energy density reaches the gluon condensation pressure, that won’t happen. And the large “our big bang size” events are rare, happening only every few hundred billion years. But there are going to be lots of smaller such events inside the “black regions” of galaxies. I am trying to organize Earth and solar system gravitation detector arrays to monitor and map the larger universe with frequencies from nanoHertz to GigaHertz. The frequencies whose wavelengths are comparable to the diameter of the earth can be use to look through the haze of the “big bang”. I think it will show time is not bounded by a few ten billion years, but goes to many trillions of years or more.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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