Is there an Internet data policy for SKA and related data? Human value of shared raw, live data streams
Karen Lee-Waddell, Pete Wheeler, SKA web contact,
I am trying to piece together the Internet data sharing policy for SKA from what is visible on the Internet.
Is SKA data going to be available to everyone on the Internet? In accessible form?
Reading these it seems SKA data is only for certain people for very narrow purposes. Not “for the benefit of all humanity”. A closed consortium for the benefit of a few. On the Internet, a few hundred thousand can be a few. It is also common for groups on the Internet to say they are “open” and “to expand human knowledge”, to raise funds and good will. And not really mean it, or do it. – “Each year, we’ll store around 600 petabytes coming from the SKA telescopes for astronomers and astrophysicists from all over the world to access and analyse.” Share? 10% for all humanity? I would say the “big data challenge” is not gathering and storing, but sharing it in accessible form.
There are about 4.8 Billion people with some access to the Internet, about 2 Billion in the 5 to 21 year age group what I call “first time learners”. And just over 700 Million over the age of 65. Most people now are life long learners and lifetimes are longer and richer every year for most places. SKA data could be part of every child’s education, globally, for many reasons.
Will some SKA data be available to everyone on the Internet? Who decides? Where is it? Or where will it be? I am not talking about Petabytes for everyone, but raw Gigabytes which are readily shared and appropriate for discovery of new phenomena and algorithms. A few ten thousand insiders looking is never going to be as effective as a few hundred million taking an interest and looking creatively. That is the reality of the Internet, global sensor networks, and our future global communities.
Thanks for reading. This is a rough draft to lay out some issues for the Internet Foundation. The Large Hadron Collider, LIGO, NASA, ESA, and many groups start projects “for the good of all human kind”. But only share in forms accessible to a few ten thousands. Trying to see if there is a better way, rather than every group trying to make up their own policies, with never quite enough time.
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Please note: Site Raw Data. “The links below enable you to download”, “forbidden”
Did you not intend to share this “site raw data”? Or is everything broken moving slowly to a new domain name?
“File not found”
Listed under “contacts” but not contacts, rather private links for employees. Normally “contact means anyone”
If you do have hundreds of millions of visitors, broken links will put off most people.