Assistive Intelligences can preserve and serve the human species. Using human brains for recognizing patterns is often wasteful
terence @researchremora What better way to showcase the richness of OpenStreetMap data than to have ten layers of data over shaded relief?
Assistive Intelligences can preserve and serve the human species. Using human brains for recognizing patterns is often wasteful
Have the assistive intelligences (AIs) use the data directly for us, and not use human eyes and brain cells at all. Do you just like processing data through your eyes and brain cells, or do you want efficient global AI systems that serve and preserve the human species?
Why force humans to process data by eyeball and human memory when computer can be designed to handle the details without loss – faithfully recording and continuously analyzing and monitoring for safety and efficiency?
Stop making tools for humans who will never be able to run cities and systems efficiently by direct action. Make computers with sensors and algorithms sufficient to make a city or a country or a world act as a single assistive intelligence to serve and preserve the human species.
Do not force humans to be cogs in automated systems by forcing them to process the data by eyeball and memory just because that is the way we had to do it in the past.