Write clearly and completely what you want to do, not just words about the steps or pieces
Write clearly and completely what you want to do, not just words about the steps or pieces
Gathering fragments of idea from books, papers, videos, life and the Internet is not hard. What takes effort is to save what you see and read and work out – so that you can remember it and its context. And, if you want to actually make things -you need to remember or write down what to do later.
If you have not lately, you might want to look at how super-capacitors are made. But those are only going to store “chemical bond” energies of a few electron volts per electron. To get truly powerful and dense (Joules per Kilogram) energy storage you need to use bond energies that are in KeV (KiloElectonVolts) or larger.
[ Capitalize the big prefixes and lower case the small one. GigaTesla and TeraWatt but nanoHertz and picoMeters. I use camelCase a lot because it makes long combinations of elements easier to read. ]
Milling and pulverizing are mechanical methods and usually not going to give you materials that are strong enough. But atoms themselves can store energy.
Focus on what you want to do. I laid plans for what I wanted to do 60 years ago. And it took me an entire lifetime to get it started. There are lots of little things I have done too, but looking back, I recommend you plan for a life with at least 10 decades and more.
Write out what you want to do. Draw pictures or make pictures of it. Simulate it, make games about it, write equations or poetry about it. Make video and share what you want to do. Just saying words and mentioning words that are supposed to evoke memories and responses in others is not enough.
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation