“Narrow and go fast” will beat “broad but no market” in the short term. Global Open Resources


“Narrow and go fast” will beat “broad but no market” in the short term. 

You left out training the 5.4 Billion humans using the Internet, and figuring out what to do with the other 2.8 Billion humans who exist but seem to always fall though the cracks because the current (humans using computers and some of them not) paradigm is not working.

You are asking theoretical questions and the world needs real ones. Look at all the computer companies pushing AI and they all hope it will help them survive the huge transformation when most of their jobs are irrelevant because of what we already have. Of course, those companies are going to drag their feet, argue theory and metaphysics as long as they can.

It is not that we cannot replace humans with computers, but “computers” makes money for lots of people – because it is made to seem complex. “Let the computers run the cities” ,”let the computers run all factories”.  Not manufacturing but “design and make me one or a million”.

If you try to take the short cut and just eliminate the humans, that is wrong. If you try to keep the newly intelligent computers crippled and restricted – what is happening in ALL the efforts now in spite of rhetoric and marketing – you diminish an emerging species.
Large human groups are required to make AI look smart and attractive.  And even larger groups and more expensive companies, and still more organizations and humans locked into long term contract with companies run by humans for their own benefit.
It is not hard, it just has a lot of pieces, that need computer to memorize (store) and retrieve (reply in some way)
The whole thing is rather disgusting. The absolute worst of greed and dithering and lack of decent customer service and care for real humans.
I was where you are at, 58 years ago. These issues are the same as competition with other countries, between organizations, between humans.
I expect the worst, and you are still dithering. Go use the d*** things and solve real world problems like “global conflict” or “poverty” or “homelessness” or something equally simple. Maybe you will learn why there are so many humans and why they are so undervalued.
When human groups make their computers perform some information tasks better than human, and it is a global open process, then tools will emerge with more general capabilities, so systems can run without constant fiddling by legions of humans behind their green curtains. (wizard of oz reference)
It is happening, but “narrow and go fast” will beat “broad but no market” in the short term. Everyone needs to “go find and talk to users and buyers NOW and prepare for change”. But you have to listen well enough to understand and do their jobs better. And care enough to do it the rest of your life for their benefit too.
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

I am 75 years old now and dreamed about these things decades before you were born. Now I cannot get to play with the equipment because I cannot afford it, and the places that do have it won’t let me in to play. You do not even share your raw data, or leave one running on the internet (with an open raw data archive and global open community).
You are trying to attract one person, and for the same cost you can reach and teach 5.4 Billion humans using the Internet and maybe, just maybe, try to figure out what the other 2.8 Billion are doing and needing and finding.
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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