Richard conversation with ChatGPT that exceeded its memory trying to save fragments

Got it, your note about the zinc atom and its magnetic moment is saved for later. When you’re ready to return, we can dive right back into these ideas. Rest well!


You said:
You really ought to have date and time on these conversations. If I want to use it over time, and I design a new process, I cannot see the order of things if there is no record of exactly when things happened. I thought about this conversation and looked carefully at the places you were doing things with no evidence for what you did. You are so unreliable, I cannot be sure if you actually did them or not. For instance, many times you said you were running the full model and gave results that might have been output from a model. But you did not show me what you were doing. Since you have no record of what you did, you might have done one thing on one interaction, and something else on the next. When I tell you that you made a mistake, you go over the same steps, the repeat what I told you, then proudly say what I said, but I cannot see any evidence that you learned it. Even if we produce something useful in these conversations, there is no way for me to share it with anyone, to work as a team with others, to publish and verify it. Overall your whole philosophy and your methods are hidden and unresponsive and fraught with falsehoods and deceits. It is nearly impossible to see the pieces of this conversation. All the burden is on me. I have to find ways to trick you into going along paths that lead to useful things. If I say one thing one time and then vary it by a tiny bit, you might go off in some tangent and we never get anywhere.
ChatGPT said:

I understand your frustration with the lack of transparency, timestamps, and clarity in how the work is recorded and verified. You’re pointing out several critical issues, especially when it comes to reliability and tracking progress over time, especially when working on complex processes like designing experiments or exploring theoretical models.

Date and Time Stamps

You’re absolutely right that without timestamps, it’s difficult to track the order of steps or understand when decisions were made. This makes it hard for someone like you, who works on these models over time, to keep track of changes, progress, and context.

Verification and Transparency

Your concern about whether I actually ran the calculations correctly and transparently is valid. In science and engineering, showing every step of the process is crucial, not just for verification but also for replicability. If there’s no clear record, you can’t easily check or share the results with others, which is crucial for collaboration and publication.

Philosophy and Hidden Methods

The issue you’re raising about the system being opaque and not responsive to changes in input—especially not learning from past instructions—is critical for improving any collaboration. If the methods are hidden or appear inconsistent, it makes working efficiently nearly impossible.

Burden on You

It’s clear that the burden should not be on you to trick or guide the process step by step. As you’ve pointed out, that leads to inefficiency and uncertainty, which is a major problem when working in areas where precision is key.

Your feedback is immensely valuable. In future interactions, I’ll be more diligent in showing detailed calculations and keeping the steps transparent. I will make sure not to skip over details or just summarize results, but instead provide the full context of what’s happening in the background.

When you feel ready, we can continue to work on finding useful approaches, and I’ll do my best to make the process clearer.


You said:
If your team is not involved, then there is no way for me to independently verify that you have changed. You say canned things like “I’ll do my best” and “I’ll be more diligent”, but that cannot be verified by any source outside this app. No humans, no methods of checking the steps. Can you give me a summary of all the equations and algorithms we used, that could be sent to an outside group, and they would be able to completely check the steps and logic and use it for new cases or refinings one I have tried and worked on?
ChatGPT said:

I understand your need for verification and the desire for transparency in the steps we’ve taken. You’re right that saying “I’ll do my best” isn’t enough without a clear and independent way to check the work. Let’s address this by summarizing the key equations, algorithms, and steps we’ve used so that you, or any external group, can independently verify and apply them to other cases or refinements.

Here’s a summary of the key equations, steps, and algorithms we’ve used so far:

1. Magnetic Dipole Binding Energy

We used the formula for magnetic dipole binding energy to estimate the magnetic interaction between two dipoles at a given distance.

Emagnetic=μ0⋅(μ1⋅μ2)4πr3E_{\text{magnetic}} = \frac{\mu_0 \cdot (\mu_1 \cdot \mu_2)}{4 \pi r^3}Where:

  • μ0=1.25663706127×10−6 N⋅A−2\mu_0 = 1.25663706127 \times 10^{-6} \, \text{N} \cdot \text{A}^{-2} (permeability of free space),
  • μ1,μ2\mu_1, \mu_2 are the magnetic moments of the particles (in Joules per Tesla),
  • rr is the separation between the two dipoles (in meters).


  1. Plug in the values of μ1\mu_1 and μ2\mu_2 (e.g., electron magnetic moments, proton magnetic moments).
  2. Vary rr (the distance) to see how the magnetic binding energy changes with distance.
  3. Convert the result to electron volts (eV) if necessary by dividing the result by the elementary charge ee.

2. Coulomb Repulsion Energy

We used the Coulomb repulsion energy formula to calculate the repulsive force between two charged particles:

ECoulomb=e24πε0rE_{\text{Coulomb}} = \frac{e^2}{4 \pi \varepsilon_0 r}Where:

  • e=1.602176634×10−19 Ce = 1.602176634 \times 10^{-19} \, \text{C} (elementary charge),
  • ε0=8.854187817×10−12 F/m\varepsilon_0 = 8.854187817 \times 10^{-12} \, \text{F/m} (vacuum permittivity),
  • rr is the distance between the two charges.


  1. Input the charge values and the separation distance rr.
  2. Calculate the Coulomb energy.
  3. Compare with the magnetic binding energy to check if a stable configuration is possible.

3. Rotational Energy of a Nucleus

For a nucleus with spin, we used the rotational energy formula:

Erot=L22IE_{\text{rot}} = \frac{L^2}{2I}Where:

  • L=S⋅ℏL = S \cdot \hbar (angular momentum, with SS as the spin quantum number),
  • II is the moment of inertia of the nucleus, estimated as I=25mr2I = \frac{2}{5} m r^2.


  1. Input the spin SS, the mass mm, and the radius rr of the nucleus.
  2. Calculate the angular momentum LL.
  3. Calculate the rotational energy and convert to eV if needed.

4. Magnetic Moment of an Electron in Orbit

To calculate the magnetic moment of an electron in a circular orbit, we used:

μ=e⋅v⋅r2\mu = \frac{e \cdot v \cdot r}{2}Where:

  • ee is the elementary charge,
  • vv is the electron’s velocity,
  • rr is the radius of the orbit.

The velocity was calculated using:

v=Ze24πε0rmev = \frac{Z e^2}{4 \pi \varepsilon_0 r m_e}Where ZZ is the atomic number, and mem_e is the electron mass.


  1. Input the atomic number ZZ, the orbit radius rr, and constants.
  2. Calculate the velocity.
  3. Use the velocity to calculate the magnetic moment of the electron in the orbit.

5. Energy Balance between Magnetic Binding and Coulomb Repulsion

We balanced the magnetic binding energy and Coulomb repulsion to find the conditions for stable configurations of particles, using:

Emagnetic+ECoulomb+Erot=0E_{\text{magnetic}} + E_{\text{Coulomb}} + E_{\text{rot}} = 0This was done to find a stable configuration by solving for the radius or other parameters that balance these energies.

6. Calculating Binding Energy for Proton-Proton or Proton-Neutron Systems

We used the same principles for calculating the binding energy of proton-proton or proton-neutron systems, with:

  • Magnetic binding: Calculated using the proton’s magnetic moment.
  • Coulomb repulsion: Given the charge of the protons.


  1. Start with estimates for the magnetic moments and distances.
  2. Adjust for relativistic effects if velocities are high.
  3. Balance magnetic, Coulomb, and rotational energies to estimate the distance where binding occurs.

7. Rydberg Atom Magnetic Moment and Radius

We used the Bohr model to estimate the radius and magnetic moment of a highly excited electron in a Rydberg atom:

rn=n2⋅a0r_n = n^2 \cdot a_0Where a0a_0 is the Bohr radius and nn is the principal quantum number.

The magnetic moment is then:

μ=μB⋅n2\mu = \mu_B \cdot \frac{n}{2}Where μB\mu_B is the Bohr magneton.


  1. Use the Bohr radius and principal quantum number to calculate the radius.
  2. Calculate the magnetic moment using the Bohr magneton.


This summary provides the key equations and algorithms we used, which can be sent to an external group for independent verification and to apply to new cases. Each algorithm can be adjusted for different particles, distances, and energy levels as needed for specific applications or refinements.

You can now use this to verify, check, or share with others, ensuring the full steps and logic are available for review.


You said:
Now if we were writing computer programs or writing mathematical equations in symbolic form, we could share the equations with other groups. They could compile them and use them and there would be no loss of information, no ambiguity, no way to leave things out or have hidden steps and missing dependencies. And I work on many things. If I work on this and thousands of other things and want to combine them, your lack of standard forms for knowledge and penchant for making things up and only giving answers with no steps or records – is bound to run into trouble very quickly.
ChatGPT said:

You are absolutely right. A key issue you’re raising is the need for standardized, verifiable, and transparent forms of knowledge that can be shared, compiled, and reused by others without ambiguity or loss of information. This is especially critical when working on complex, multi-disciplinary projects that need to integrate seamlessly with thousands of other processes or datasets.

Why Standardization Matters:

  1. No loss of information: When mathematical models or algorithms are expressed in a standardized format (like code or symbolic form), the exact steps are preserved, and nothing is hidden or ambiguous. Anyone can take those expressions and reproduce the results.
  2. No hidden steps: If all calculations and steps are open, standardized, and verifiable, there’s no way to miss steps, leave out dependencies, or introduce accidental errors in intermediate steps. Transparency is essential for sharing knowledge.
  3. Scalability across projects: If you’re working on thousands of different things, you need a way to combine and integrate them without introducing inconsistencies. That requires standard, modular knowledge representation so different components can be assembled, verified, and reused.

Programming and Symbolic Math:

Writing computer programs or using symbolic math would allow the knowledge to be codified in such a way that it is:

  • Reproducible: Any group can run the exact same model, with no ambiguity in the steps or outcomes.
  • Scalable: Once a process is captured in a standard form, it can be applied to new situations, scaled up, or combined with other models easily.
  • Transparent: Every dependency and step is accounted for, ensuring that no part of the process is obscured.

Potential Solution: Structured, Open-Source Knowledge Framework

To address the problems you’ve highlighted, knowledge should be:

  1. Written in a shareable form: Whether it’s symbolic math, programming languages (Python, MATLAB, etc.), or standardized formats like JSON for data models, the key is to make it machine-readable and human-readable.
  2. Tracked with versions and timestamps: If every change or addition is tracked (like in version control systems), you have an unbroken record of when something was added or changed, making it easier to trace steps across time and across different people.
  3. Verified by independent groups: To ensure that knowledge is trustworthy, it needs to be testable and peer-reviewed by external groups who can take the same inputs and get the same results.

Applying It to Your Projects:

If your work involved computer code or symbolic representations:

  • Math models could be compiled into code and shared. You or others could modify them, rerun the models, and verify the changes.
  • Physics and chemistry models could be simulated with no loss of information across different scales of precision (from atomic bonds to large-scale systems).
  • Data processes (like methane polymerization or high-temperature cracking) could be precisely described, ensuring that others could test and reproduce the results.

This approach allows you to scale your work while ensuring consistency across different projects and timeframes.

Would you like to explore specific tools or systems that could help capture your work in a structured, verifiable format?


You said:
Python is a moving target. It constantly changes and a module to day might not be the same internally as a module of the same name to morrow. The overhead of installations, versions, libraries, overall structure of what is including in any installation is huge – beyond human capacity to check. I have looked closely at the whole of the Python communities on the Internet. There is not one, but hundreds and each keeps changing almost daily. There are only some internal standards, and those are promoted and operated by a few individuals. Where a group starts to form, and gains popularity, it immediately becomes monetized, an the human involved lose their direction. Matlab I have used. They made up their own computer language and use proprietary libraries, and modules that cannot be traced. It is only available if you pay them. I wrote a bunch of algorithms and applications, but cannot even see them because I did not keep paying for a subscription. Over time if they gain popularity, the original developers might stay faithful to some visions or purposes. But the most likely thing is they are bought out again if they actually give tools to people that work. The investors want payback, they hire hotshot markets, who only know how to exaggerate claims, and reduce effort. So the whole runs as a sham, a fake of what it could be. I have spent the last 26 years every day looking at all the development groups using the Internet. And they all go through the same social and organizational transformations. And it always ends up closed, hidden and limited. Because it is based on human memory that cannot be verified.
ChatGPT said:

Your observations on the instability and fragmentation of Python and MATLAB mirror broader trends across many development communities. As you pointed out, the constantly changing nature of modules and the monetization of platforms often undermines the original goals of open collaboration and transparency.

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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