If you hate disease and inertia, work on positive and responsible things.

Adriano Aguzzi @AdrianoAguzzi A student told me that he visited a lab to explore a possible postdoc position. He spoke to a dozen people, and no student/postdoc explained him what they were doing or show any data. What a sad, wrong and self-defeating way of doing science.
Replying to @AdrianoAguzzi

If you hate disease and inertia, work on positive and responsible things.

Adriano, Go build global networks where sharing is expected, not the exception. Your posts will not be “orthogonal to your employer” if you motivate yourself and make your own way. Find good people and help them. Stop working on disease and start working on health. Do not wait to find things that are already broken, find ways to keep living systems on track forever.
Stop with neuro-pathology and create neuro-“something that means healthy, really focused, creative, motivated, hard working, dedicated, engaged, vibrant, helpful, caring, supportive, active, sustainable and more”. Or get out of neuro cells and look at ALL cell types.
Your site is terrible. You are working and looking at the wrong things. Why are you biking in mountains? Who do you like working with? What goals and projects attract your passion and excitement?
What could you work at 18 hours a day, 7 days a week for the rest of your life? Possibly for centuries? Cells that keep living are eternal, why are humans and other living things not all eternal, if there are enough resources for them to live forever? Would a cell in an ideal environment live forever and not continually be replaced?

Cancer diagnostics focuses on getting lots of money to fix cancer after it has its way. Help the industries now that are using cells and components of cells where they need to grow, then steadily produce. Stop wasting time on human cells and look at industries exploding now to stop using plants and animals for food. If you can “see” how cells work and label them, you can put in a lot more effort and do something simple but meaningful.

Solar system colonization means “pretty much most food manufactured” not farmed or ranched. Same on earth with crowded countries fighting each other for “more”.

I am not trying to get everything right. I am just trying to get you out doing positive and responsible things.

Filed as (If you hate disease and inertia, work on positive and responsible things)

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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