Positive futures where climate change is a good thing, even a very good thing

Positive futures where climate change is a good thing, even a very good thing
If all the rain forests are cut down and burned to make farms and ranches, do they need food more than trees? If China can plant billions of trees each year, can the rain forests be replanted in what is todays deserts? Who is collecting DNA from the species in the rain forests so they can be replanted? If we can re-“print” any DNA, why would future generations not want to reprint all of them at once? Most of the people in the world living in cold regions might want the world warmer on average by a few degrees. If their northern and southern growing season grows, do they care if beach fronts are worn away?
One of the first chemical reactions I learned more than 60 years ago is CO2 + H2O –> H2CO3, carbonic acid and it can be absorbed in the soil. A million metric tons of carbon is a million metric tons of carbon. I think that water capture and conservation is one of the most elegant of human activities. Regions of desert are not used, people avoid them, but others patiently modify them and turn them into living spaces. If Mars is a desert that some humans want to travel to modify, let them first turn all the deserts on Earth into green spaces, water conserving spaces, carbon sinks.
It seems that more storms from rising temperatures is moving more moisture to places is has not been. Rain and floods in the deserts is not positive for people who do not live in desert countries. But many do. All those countries that have lots of desert – do they work together?
“Positive benefits of higher global temperatures?” Longer growing seasons, reduced heating need, access to resources. The rising sea levels is already creating new jobs, also more and more severe storms is already creating new job and new industries. Seems like biodiversity groups are benefiting but not doing as much as they can.
Shipping through the north, fewer ice and snow days, less fog. More arctic and antarctic tourism.
Innovative, creative, adaptable, courageous humans. They are not sitting and moaning and giving up. They are creating new jobs from the changes, exploring and adapting new lands. ALL the deserts are open now. People live there.
In 1630. 1 Billion acres = 404.686 Million hectares = 4.046856 Million km2
I do not think climate change is all bad. Change gives and takes. The oil countries are selling as much as they can. Do you think they did the models, see the effect on their countries, and make conscious reasoned choices for their future? What about Canada, Australia, Russia, northern China. China is deliberately claiming and developing what used to be desert.
Would it go so far as “Burn more coal, create new forests in desert regions”? Burn more fossil fuels so we can explore and develop more fossil fuel resource in “too-cold now” regions?
What if coral reefs were “parasitic growths” and some others replaced them with undersea forests?
I think biodiversity is the most important, but much can be done. Groups are facing “What is valuable? What can be done, what else can be done? When conditions change new species emerge and shift.
9.2 Million km2 = 2.273 Billion acre = 920 Million Hectare
14.2 Million km2 = 3.509 Billion acre = 1420 Million hectare
14.5 Million km2 = 3.583 Billion acre = 1450 Million Hectare

Meteorology and satellites are benefiting. Communication and early warning systems are benefiting. Emergency preparedness and response are benefiting.

Groups are getting help to plant deserts (They will most likely spend all that effort for decades and then rich people will come and take it away from them by force or new “laws”. It is not climate change doing it, it is greedy and unscrupulous people.)

I see all this on the Internet. I have to adjust for new fads, trends, changes, investments, technologies, priorities, and some new emerging AI species.
If new “threats” emerge, then “explore and map the new threats” groups are the first to grow. Governments benefit, universities  benefit, experts benefit, speculators and investors sometimes benefit.  The biggest land grab in the history of the human species.
37.93 Million km2 = 9.3737 Billion acre = 3793 Million Hectare
144.37 Million km2 = 35.674 Billion acre = 14437 Million Hectare
Filed as (Positive futures where climate change is a good thing, even a very good thing)

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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