There are many groups working, and no one held accountable in any country


DRAFT: I can only sketch some of the main responses to global climate change shouting.

I think I will win my bet that none of the companies or groups will change. Not even when hundreds of millions die. When most lives are cheap, no one cares if the rich do not become richer. I can think of a few possible ways to keep things as they are. But expect most humans do not like it the way it is now, and are not keen on “yet another industrial group” or country taking the lead toward goals that only benefit a few.

Deaths from storms and floods are not rising drastically.  The ones that have losses change their systems to adjust. Countries that lose millions of nameless people, those can count a few million as an acceptable loss.  The ones at risk are usually already marginalized and disposable. No country tries to save everyone.  No country values the poor, except for where their death can justify projects for high paid experts and organizations to ask for more funding.

Melting all the ice has happened before, and there is much land higher than the oceans. It is not hard to increase global food production and the cynical will not care if many die to reduce demand. The money seems all fake anyway, since it is not spent on things of value. Or working to global goals that everyone cares about. When cities are destroyed, that creates value because of inflation the cost to replace, if it is worth replacing at all, goes up. There are always many waiting to buy low.
I looked at your site, and you only wave a flag, and do not give any pathways with details. All the groups just say “change” and are not willing to put in any effort or act.
In fact people are resourceful and cynical. It matters not at all if you call an emergency, even a dire emergency, and no one comes. I do not see a single IPCC honcho our planting trees or patrolling forests.  They get paid regardless. They get paid more if there is a bigger crisis. But they are neither hurting nor helping. There is no way to hold them accountable. A group that lets countries invade and kill other countries is not going to move at all because of the weather and a few hundred million people displaced.  It pushes up their budgets and donations. It makes them worth more.

Put a title on your page, not “home”. The bottom of the page has too much empty scroll space.

Filed as (There are many groups working and no one held accountable in any country)

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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