What to do if you need to look 500 or 5000 years back to understand African roots


I read your message again. Yes join the group on GedMatch and learn what it can do.  But it is only about 2 Million Tests, so do not expect magic solutions.

Ancestry DNA Painter
DNA Painter Example on DNAPainter.com
Adding 23andMe Data to DNA Painter 
Ancestry Pro Tools matches of matches: my experience so far
(note that Ancestry chops off at 20 centiMorgans and cost $10 per month)
Where do you find the Segment Data?
“23andme, Family Tree DNA, Living DNA and MyHeritage, as well as the Gedmatch website.”

This kind of data is starting to be available on Ancestry and 23andMe. But it takes a lot of data handling and manual work.

I suggest you deliberately look for groups working on African Ancestry deep projects, including full genome projects.  It cost about $300 to $500 per test for full genome tests now.  If all people with deep African roots (250 years or more (10 generations is about the limit for Ancestry) started taking whole genome tests there are groups and methods to use that much data. I estimate it can “see” back 500 years. They use it for Neanderthals, Denisovans and deeper, so 50,000 years.  If the demand for full genome grows, or people with African roots work together, they can independently take DNA tests so it is not controlled by the DNA companies. Lower the prices to cost or free.

Ten generations is about  (6850/2^10)= 6.7 centiMorgans

( “African roots” “genome” ) has 14,500 entries today. There is INTEREST because

How many people could use it?
About 50 Million listed as full or partial African DNA
If you search and take notes, there are LOTS of efforts now.  Just organizing those and indexing them could help 50 Million people.  Many from Puerto Rico (they are taking LOTS of DNA tests) have African DNA. There are about 3 Million Puerto Rico and another 6 Million in the US from Puerto Rico. And 20% with African origins.  That is 20% (10 Million) = 2 Million
Many groups mapping deep origins


Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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