Famine is easy to solve, “hidden arbitrary decisions by a few” is not

Latimer Alder @latimeralder  Climatistas say that we are all starving because of climate change over the past 60 years.

But the United Nations stats say the opposite.  We are not starving.  We have MORE food overall..and more food per person than humanity has ever known.  Don’t let the Climatistas mislead you https://pic.x.com/sw3glqs7lq
Replying to @latimeralder

I set up the Famine Early Warning System (FEWS.net) in the 1980s because of famine in Africa. Food is not difficult even with locusts, floods, drought, no labor, no seed, and many difficult things humans have faced. But “a country uses starvation”, hands off. “Monitor and act”, no.

You are right, but “inequity” is rampant, where a very few millions make decisions affecting 8.1 Billion. And there is no recourse, no monitor that matters. Some UN work is good, but it does not monitor itself. And will not act openly when it needs to.

They told me to do it for Africa, but I designed it for the whole world and all things. FEWS is a failure because it does not address those responsible for most “famines”. It could change quite a few “unsolvable problems”.

In the 26 years of the Internet Foundation, I have found many fake cries for help, because it gets to be an easy way to rake in money. Now any hurricane, flood, pandemic, disease, war, earthquake permits massive fund raising and no “monitor that matters”.

Often it is a kids game, “don’t step over that border, no matter what is happening”.

Filed as (Famine is easy to solve, “hidden arbitrary decisions by a few” is not)

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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