Webmaster – Caucuses and entities need clarity and references. Emails need logs and coutesy

At there is a text list of committees and caucuses.

But no links, or explanations. I am sure “caucuses” show up all over and every place they are not “intelligent” with background and links immediately – it misses an opportunity to help citizens and people of the world understand who and what.

I was interested in “Energy Export Caucus”. But ( “Energy Export Caucus” ) shows 71 entries and there is no one clear map of the whole. ( site:gov “Energy Export Caucus” ) has only 7 results. And ( “Energy Export Caucus” ) has 646 results with no clear core.

I suggest that any entity used on gov domain ought to be identified and explained, and links to the parts provided. At least gov domain or could list the entities and index content. (“caucuses” OR “caucus” ) shows 193,000 entries on Google, but I do not really know what a caucus does, nor where to find all the ones listed on your site. A list and description and links at least might make it a resource, not just a mention.

I did not write to Lizzie Fletcher because she does not acknowledge emails, nor answer them, mostly. If you, House Webmaster,  could do one thing for – sending an acknowledgement for all messages, with actual content and context – would be a courtesy many citizens would appreciate. It can say “we are almost always too busy to answer. But, we did get your message and log it, and might one day actually answer or respond. At 75 the little courtesies are more important.   “We care enough to acknowledge and record what you write” – for all contact forms on

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

The following message has been delivered to the House webmaster: Submitted on Fri, 07/12/2024 – 13:51

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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