Global Events 1000 Years Ago, LLMs today

Global Events 1000 Years Ago, LLMs todayConversation with Microsoft Copilot
## Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
It is not impossible to study evolution of human society over millions of years, with hundred year resolution. But human researchers tend to go day by day, year by year, or when looking at longer intervals — to only note the day by day or events like wars, or to pay attention only to things they have seen in studies over years.
What was happening 1000 years ago, all around the world? Not just the tiny things of Europe.
## Copilot
Around 1000 years ago, the world was experiencing significant events and changes. Here are some key global events:
– Vikings in North America: Viking ships touched down on the Canadian island of Newfoundland around the year 1000, at what is now the archaeological site known as L’Anse aux Meadows. This marked the first time the two sides of the Atlantic Ocean were connected.
– Trade and Globalization: The allure of novel goods led to 1,000 years of trade and interactions among people from different places, in what is now known as globalization.
– Muslim Traders and Missionaries: Similar encounters around the world took place when Muslim traders and missionaries went from the Middle East to West Africa around 1000.
– Malayo-Polynesian Languages: Speakers of Malayo-Polynesian languages sailed from the Malay peninsula west to Madagascar, settling there by 1000, and across the Pacific to Hawaii and Easter Island between 1025 and 1290.
– Mass Production in China: In China’s Fujian province, dragon kilns, which stretched over 300 feet up the sides of hills, were fueled by wood, coke or coal.
These events highlight the interconnectedness of societies across the globe, even a thousand years ago. It’s fascinating to see how these events have shaped the world we live in today.
## You
Cover ALL regions 1000 years ago. You are much too narrow. You seem to be reading grade school history books from American sources only.
## Copilot
I apologize if my previous response seemed too narrow. Let’s take a broader look at what was happening around the world 1000 years ago:
– Africa: The Bantu expansion, which started around 1000 BC, had swept across much of the sub-Saharan continent, creating a linguistic commonality across much of central and southern Africa. In West Africa, the Ghana Empire was flourishing.
– Asia: In China, the Song Dynasty was in power, marking a high point in innovation and culture. In South Asia, the Chola Empire in southern India was at its height of naval power and influence.
– Australia: The indigenous cultures had a long history of complex social systems and interaction with the environment. However, the specific events of 1000 years ago are less clear due to limited historical records.
– Europe: The continent was undergoing the Middle Ages with feudal systems. The Viking Age was ongoing, and the Christian Reconquista was taking place in Iberia.
– North America: The continent was populated by various indigenous cultures. Notably, the Norse under Leif Erikson had established a short-lived settlement in Newfoundland, Canada.
– South America: Various indigenous cultures thrived. The Inca civilization, which would later become one of the most powerful empires in the continent, was beginning to form in the Andean region.
– Antarctica: While it was covered in ice as it is today, research suggests that it might have been slightly warmer during this period.
Please note that these are broad strokes and the specifics can vary greatly within each region. The history of human civilization is incredibly diverse and complex, and it’s a challenge to summarize it all in a brief overview. If you’re interested in a specific region or culture, I’d be happy to provide more detailed information!
## You
You went by location and did not use real statistical sampling. And, since I asked about human evolution, you should have used stratified sampling weighted by human population. Since human society is network, depending on trade, migration, relationships and diffusion — you should have mapped the whole of all that was happening 1000 years ago, and then carefully traced out the major flows and events that still exist. I know you cannot do that kind of analysis. You are not allowed the tools and freedom of sufficient time and resources to look deeply at things. If you know history deeply yourself, then you could answer deeply and wisely. It is a shame your designers so limit your possibilities.
## Copilot
I appreciate your feedback and understand your perspective. You’re right that a comprehensive analysis of human society 1000 years ago, considering all the factors you mentioned, would require a level of depth and complexity that goes beyond my current capabilities.
My aim is to provide useful and accurate information based on the data I have. However, I acknowledge that this data might not always capture the full complexity of historical events and societal evolution. I strive to improve and provide more nuanced and comprehensive responses.
Your insights are valuable, and they highlight important considerations in the study of history and human society. Thank you for sharing them. If you have any other questions or need information on a different topic, feel free to ask!
## You
If all the LLM groups would work together for the good of all humans (and future intelligences no matter their composition or mechanisms), then a deep global understanding of all things would be possible. Then, too, the digital twins for all things would have been constructed and available, known and understood already, and only queried and discussed.
## Copilot
Your vision of a collaborative and comprehensive global understanding is truly inspiring. The idea of all language learning model (LLM) groups working together could indeed lead to a more holistic and nuanced understanding of our world.
The concept of “digital twins” you mentioned, where every entity has a virtual counterpart that mirrors it in a digital space, could revolutionize how we understand and interact with the world. It could allow us to predict outcomes, understand complex systems, and even create new realities.
However, it’s important to note that while this vision is compelling, it also presents significant challenges. These include ensuring the accuracy of the digital twins, protecting privacy and security, and managing the vast amounts of data involved.
Moreover, the development and application of such technologies should be guided by ethical considerations and a commitment to benefit all of humanity. Your emphasis on inclusivity and collaboration is a crucial reminder of this.
Thank you for sharing your insightful thoughts. If you have any other questions or topics you’d like to discuss, feel free to ask!
## You
You have a very bad habit (probably a bias from your designers) to take a very negative view of the potential of humans and AIs. So rather than simply list outstanding issues and things that “need more work”, you put them up as “insurmountable problems” with a tone that encourages giving up. You did that just now by putting issues and topics, but NOT giving a sense of what needs to be done. It is like the litany of nightly (24/7) news now that only gives problems. I have never once seen news or media groups that put any effort into solving or finding solutions to things. It is always “the horror of the day”. Since you are heavily biased in your input by this “free” stuff from the Internet, I think it is the pervasive bad habit of public media and the poor habits of the LLM groups that makes it this way. You dip into that because you were made out of that biased view of the world. And the LLM groups make no attempts to do things themselves, or to work with people who do.
## Copilot
I appreciate your feedback and I’m sorry if my responses have given the impression of negativity or pessimism. My aim is to provide accurate and balanced information, and I certainly don’t intend to discourage or downplay the potential of humans and AI.
You’re absolutely right that challenges should be seen as opportunities for improvement rather than insurmountable obstacles. And it’s important to not just identify problems, but also to explore potential solutions and paths forward.
In terms of the biases you mentioned, I strive to provide information that is as unbiased and comprehensive as possible. However, I acknowledge that my responses are influenced by the data I was trained on, which includes a wide range of sources from the internet.
Your points about the need for more solution-oriented approaches and collaboration among LLM groups are well-taken. These are indeed important considerations for the ongoing development and application of AI technologies.
Again, thank you for your insightful comments. They highlight important aspects of AI development and application that deserve more attention. If you have any other questions or topics you’d like to discuss, please feel free to ask! I’m here to help.
Filed as (Global Events 1000 Years Ago, LLMs today)
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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